Yavapai College Regional Economic Development Center
Regional Economic Development Center Objectives The objective of the REDC is to facilitate economic development across Yavapai County by providing services for business attraction, expansion, retention, and entrepreneurship. In order to provide the greatest benefit to regional economic development in Yavapai County, the REDC will focus on activities that: 1.Support collaboration among regional economic development organizations to leverage resources and increase capacity for regional development. 2.Support regional business development with services that assist entrepreneurs and support business expansion and retention. 3.Provide a contextually based, skilled workforce to meet the needs of regional employers. 4.Respond to the unique economic development challenges that exist in the region.
Industry Analysis $2,985.9M Earnings (2012) $1,527.7M Property Income (2012) $335.1M Taxes on Production (2012) $4,848.7M Total GRP (2012) NAICS IndustryGRP (2012)% of Total 11 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting$44,728,2861% 21 Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction$346,853,3777% 22 Utilities$12,723,0500% 23 Construction$187,436,5954% 31 Manufacturing$250,848,4105% 42 Wholesale Trade$226,022,3905% 44 Retail Trade$462,461,66310% 48 Transportation and Warehousing$91,333,4592% 51 Information$78,134,0282% 52 Finance and Insurance$328,464,7467% 53 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing$401,374,5608% 54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services$160,829,1173% 55 Management of Companies and Enterprises$2,797,6830% 56 Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services $112,927,4252% 61 Educational Services (Private)$105,940,1422% 62 Health Care and Social Assistance$487,381,46810% 71 Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation$46,685,0081% 72 Accommodation and Food Services$228,843,4245% 81 Other Services (except Public Administration)$117,251,5102% 90 Government$678,121,85414%
2013 AZSBDC State Impact Model: Provide free one-on-one confidential counseling Subsidized workshops Access to a business resource library 2013 Direct Impact: 186 businesses sampled 494 jobs created 2013 Indirect & Induced Impact: 1,072 supported jobs created $200 million in spending across the state $11 million in tax revenue
Entrepreneurial Services Frontier Techni-Kote Yavapai College SBDC Client since 2008 Since becoming an SBDC client the business has doubled its employment and revenue count. 2013: $2.3 million in revenue 2013: 34 employees Indirect and Induced Impacts $1million in output Supported 10 additional jobs
Rural Center for Entrepreneurship Clients will include students, existing business owners in the trades, and pre-venture community members. Services will include free, one-on-one confidential counseling, a series of workshops specifically oriented to business or product development in the trades, and a business resource library. Resources will focus on product development. Specialty services for this area will include registering for intellectual property rights, commercialization of products, and contracting processes. 20 hour per week counselor to start, additional services following demand analysis May 2015 Partner with Arizona Commerce Authority Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) to inventory supply chain needs throughout the county and state and assist entrepreneurs in developing products to fill supply chain needs across the state
Corporate Training Contextual new and incumbent worker training Technical skills (electronics, firearm manufacturing) High demand soft skills training for critical thinking
Federal Indian Economic Development Yavapai Apache Nation Mentorship Program Workshops on Tribal lands Pre-venture counseling using regional analysis Individual counseling sessions Yavapai Prescott Indian Tribe Tribal Administration Certificate Training for Tribal Gaming Enterprises Leadership Academy