“Ten” Ideas for a Successful College Presentation to the New Engineering Deans on 4/6/2014 by Robert H. Davis, University of Colorado Boulder Presentation to the New Engineering Deans on 4/6/2014 by Robert H. Davis, University of Colorado Boulder 1.Reward Excellence 2.Build Community 3.Manage Resources 4.Make Tough Decisions 5.Manage Your Time 6.Plan Strategically
1.Reward Excellence Tip: Develop a Dean’s Faculty Fellowship Program Merit-based salaries Named faculty positions Awards Differentiated loads Space allocations
2.Build Community Tip:Establish annual college events, such as a year-end recognition ceremony Tip:Establish annual college events, such as a year-end recognition ceremony Respect Honest/fair evaluations Mini-retreats Publicize achievements Personal acknowledgement
3.Manage Resources Tip: Perform annual space inventory, with comparative metrics Know the budget Open processes Build consensus Allocate strategically
4.Make Tough Personnel Decisions Discussion:How is mentoring of new faculty handled in your college? Discussion:How is mentoring of new faculty handled in your college? Large investment in faculty Excellence in teaching and research Consider collegiality in hiring decisions Say “no” in borderline cases
5.Manage Your Time Tip: Review your schedule – are most meetings reactive or proactive? Tip: Review your schedule – are most meetings reactive or proactive? Screen requests Important vs. urgent Short meetings Hold times Teaching? Research?
6.Plan Strategically Tip: Hold mini-retreats or focus groups early in the strategic-planning process Tip: Hold mini-retreats or focus groups early in the strategic-planning process Strategic planning: Time well spent Four simple questions: 1.Where are we now? 2.Where would we like to be? 3.How will we get there? 4.How will we measure progress? Engage constituents: 1.Leadership team 2.Advisory committee 3.Faculty, staff and students
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