So, what do you do…….? How to show off a Learning Resources Department How do you know you do it well? Success rate? Comparisons? Claire Donlan. Head of Learning Resources. Middlesbrough Yes You do need to show off Diverse perceptions of Learning Resources Self Assessment Review Justify existence?
Learning Resources Dept. = eLearning + LRC/library VLE Books eBooks Online databases Computers Laptops & netbooks Flip cameras & mini projectors
Data Quantitative footfall / access PC usage, VLE hits eBook usage Qualitative questionnaire How to present the information? Appealing ‘Short & snappy’ Dynamic, Visual Relevant Management style
Audience Teaching staff Curriculum Liaison Awareness Sessions Prezi
Audience - Senior Management - Students Infographics – Posters - Displays
Audience – Students – Staff - Management Feedback cards
Combine robust sustainability with innovative practice especially through VLE Make sure it works! Build confidence Keep moving forward Communicate Social media Facebook Twitter Shout about it! weekly to senior management Communicate Talk to people students & staff & peers Peer review / share good practice Mobile Apps
Impact Increased use of technologies & resources. Increased demand for staff training. Increased access to & use of physical &virtual space. Raised profile with management.