Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile1 Mobile based Admittance and Access to Information Josef Noll 1, Juan Carlos Lopez Calvet, Telenor R&D,, N-1331 Fornebu 1 Prof. stip. University Graduate Center (UniK), N-2027 Kjeller Researcher, Telenor R&D, N-1331 Fornebu
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile2 Agenda l Upcoming digital world – need for seamless authentication l The role of the mobile l Mobile phone as authentication to networks and services l Access based on roles – ”Federation of Identity” l Conclusions l Demonstrations
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile3 Where will the mobile usage go? Trends in mobile phone usage l Follow the trends from PC – reading –Internet access –Office document preparation l Mobile advances –Connected 24/7 (all the time, not just 4 h a day) –Allways on-line – in your hand l Specific Mobile Phone services –Lifestyle device, lifestyle services –Communication and interaction –Authentication, Access and mCommerce –Personalisation of Internet content: filtering & adaptation connectivity is essential Connectivity (to services) is essential
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile4 Mobile becomes a better PC Mobile Advantages + Always online + Potential for seamless personalisation + “In-build” eCommerce + Read when you have a quiet moment – Small screen – attachments How to l Filter/adapt/personalise content? l Create Mobile specific content? l Support lifestyle? Internet usage
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile5 Specific Mobile Phone services l Lifestyle device, lifestyle services –My friends, communities l Communication and interaction –Ease communications: “Two click away from anything” –Supported by presence, location, preferences –Add-on: Info from caller (ID, photo, communication history, last …) –Add-on: Location, Address, Map –Add-on: Point of interest, “what’s on” l Authentication, Access and mCommerce –Seamless access to networks, services and “buildings” –Integrated mCommerce l Personalisation of Internet content: filtering & adaptation –Seamless access to personalised services –Adaptation of content due to preferences and context
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile6 Lifestyle device, lifestyle services SMS voting and competition Conferencing Entertainment Source:, Fitness Courses Health Courses Naturopathic Medicine Yoga DIY Dating l How can technology support us to promote lifestyle services?
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile7 My communication portal Enable simple communications l to people (voice, SMS, MMS, , …) l to services (seamless authentication, …) Services communicate People
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile8 – Summary through Semantic filtering (slate –
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile9 Telenor Intranet Services Value Added Services Communication Portal with VAS People communication through Mobile Portal Security & Content Chat Localization Video Voice MHandel Online Gaming Enterprise Helpdesk Marketing Authentication Content delivery Presence User Database
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile10 How can you help? l Simplify communication for your customers –All kinds of communication –Supporting core business (communication and access to services) l Enable clients which also other customers find attractive to install on their terminals –Customers from competitors can install on their phones –Will enable for Telenor’s services on competitor networks
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile11 Need for an identifier Real world: see and/or talk l Voice l Face Virtual world: , web l Username, passwd l SIM l PKI Service world (between providers) l Identity management l Service level agreement (SLA) l Trust relation
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile12 Service development 1G: G: 2G: B3G: Mobile telephony Mobile telephony, SMS, FAX, Data Multimedia communication Personalised broadband wireless services
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile13 Local interactions are a natural step toward multi-radio access of complementing radio technologies BT RFID WLAN WCDMA Cellular Access Hot Spot Access Broadcasting world: mass media TV Proximity world: local services personal area Cdma2000 1x DVB-H "personal, trustworthy, seamless global roaming" "richest available content, browsing just for the fun of it" “CNN news, Sugar Bowl on the road" “local interactions, service discovery & access, ticketing " EDGE HSDPA CDMA 1x EV_DV GPRS FM radio Visual radio Source: Andreas Lundin, Nokia
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile14 How to achieve seamless access? l Use seamless authentication from mobile phone –Through SIM card identification in GSM/UMTS network –Through Bluetooth to PC (EAP-SIM) in WLAN networks l Use near field communication (NFC) for dedicated authentication –Access to buildings –Access to PC (using the phone is better than fingerprint) Supports roles Provides privacy Updates through SMS –Access to other inventory l Use phone based authentication for VPN access –VPN builds on authentication
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile15 Keep customers: Enable the Open Access Network Millions of fixed lines function as feeder lines for open pico-base stations fixed Subscribers’ fixed lines UMTS GSM/GPRS Open access network + Supported by seamless authentication based on the Mobile Phone Personalised and broadband services Motorola EAP-SIM demo: Mobil-2-PC-WLAN OBAN WS, WLAN Postulation: Beyond 3G (or 4G) is the integration of access, and higher bandwidths access speed
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile16 Principle function – passive RFID 1. RFID comes close to a contact point 2. Contact point induces magnetic field (to the magnetic coil) 3. Coil generates power for the chip (which starts immediately) 4. Chip generates RF response (RFID) Reader To backend system RFID-tag Source: Tor Hjalmar Johannessen, Telenor
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile17 The only thing you need: Your Mobile Phone SIM with RFID & PKI
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile18 Four-in-one: Your mobile integrates them all Security Requirement Nice to know Need to know Have to know Examples: mHandel, VPN Intranet, , Admittance Network access * Patent pending & * RFID (& SIM) & * RFID & SIM passwd * & RFID, SIM & PKI
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile19 Service access Seamless authentication Physical access VPN Home access,.mp3,.jpg
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile20 Near field communication (NFC) l Based on RFID technology at MHz l Typical operating distance 10 cm l Compatible with RFID l Data rate today up to 424 kbit/s l Philips and Sony l ECMA-340, ISO/IEC & ECMA-352, …standards l Powered and non-self powered devices
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile21 NFC changes the role of the mobile operator l The mobile operator is the communication provider –Everybody has a mobile phone –People know that they can reach me – and not my parents –Companies have identified the value of personal phones and change their infrastructure –The phone carries all my contacts –Connected 24/7 (all the time, not just 4 h a day) l From access to communication –Provide communication: voice, SMS, MMS, IM, ,…. –Seamless login ( – my , last 10 visited Provide presence and community services Provide authentication and security
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile22 NFCIP-2 Interface and protocol (ISO/IEC 21481) ECMA-340 ISO/IEC PCD mode (MIFARE, FeliCa) ISO/IEC VCD mode (facility access) Interface Standards
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile23
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile24 Source: GemPlus
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile25 RFID payment usage coffee machines in Telenor R&D l Payment on coffee machine l RFID card in 2005 l Tests in OSL and Arlanda l RFID cards l Think l Planned Q4.2005, Univ. Tromsø (N) l Payment l Entrance l Electronic access (VPN) - Telenor
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile26 NFC – near field communication in praxis [copyright: - Example: travelling
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile27 NFC – near field communication in praxis [copyright: - Example: streaming DRM
Josef Noll, The role of the Mobile28 Conclusions l “The last time we were connected by a wire was at birth!” [Motorola] l No cable, that’s the challenge –Various radio systems: GSM, UMTS; WLAN, Bluetooth, DVB, … –Limitations: battery, integration l All services from your mobile l Your mobile is the authentication centre l Telecom as authentication provider