Home Office Payroll Giving Campaign 2011 Tony Odams de Zylva Head of Payroll Services MoJ Shared Services
Running Order Organisational context Partnership with CSBF The Campaign and what we did Lessons Learned and Next Steps Any Questions
Organisational Context (i) Payroll Giving has risen on agenda Prime Minister has spoken about comparing take-up in UK unfavourably with USA Giving White Paper 23 May has committed Government as an employer to “lead by example” Employees in Government have access to payroll giving schemes but still more can be done to boost take-up.
Organisational Context (ii) 30,000 staff UK-wide HQ in London 3000 staff – policy and corporate roles Non HQ workforce composition quite different fewer senior grades – more operational roles Not easy to get in-front of people – have to engage and negotiate permission to do so People are busy and have competing demands for their attention
Case for Change Wanted to improve awareness and take-up HO staff contribution to CSBF out-weighed by CSBF support for our staff CSR element – part of being a good employer and maximising impact of staff contributions Alignment with Government agenda to increase giving Key driver and success factor – personal enthusiasm of senior leadership
Partnership with CSBF The “in-house” Charity for CS with long established links with Business Ethos is aligned with our public sector / “not for profit” values – whilst being business-focussed They have experience of workplace promotion with a full-time national workplace team CSBF aim to increase their revenue (which is sourced 100% through Payroll Giving) – but: Crucially - will sign-up for any charity chosen by employee (and make choice easy)
Challenges Workforce demography – older-higher paid staff contribute more, but are leaving Significant proportion of our workforce earn below national average wage Economy, and Public Sector reductions CSBF get through the door – but still have to work to engage the employee All staff have intranet & access but “push” communications (including payslips) have limited impact
The Campaign with CSBF Planning started in 2009 Focused on HQ – easier to pilot in London Worked to build senior engagement – Perm Secretary and Board approval gained Engaged the business – messaging via Board Ready to go Spring 2010 – but delayed to early 2011 because: – Preparation for General Election – Spending Review post the election
What we did Dedicated senior management time to support planning and communications Publicity through multiple channels – including intranet – workplace fairs Supported CSBF on logistics – arranging access to building and teams Kept refreshing messages via Senior leadership to sustain awareness CSBF made 11 site visits during campaign and saw 474 staff
Results of 2011 campaign Targeted approach has resulted in significant increase in numbers of staff giving regularly: – Pre-tax giving increased from 1891 individuals to 2162 in HQ by March 2011 – Donor income to CSBF increased by £6,700 per month or almost 20% – New donations to other Charities of £1K a month Workforce giving across Home Office relative to a comparable public sector organisation: 3 times number of staff give regularly (5225 pre & post tax) Total contributions 50% greater value
Lessons Learned Focussed communication and campaigning does work –even in challenging times Getting access to staff is only half the battle Clear explanation of benefits is key Cannot be a one-off exercise – regular refresh needed Need to look at aligning supporting “business as usual activity” (such as induction) This all requires planning and time
Next Steps Sustaining momentum and taking the campaign across the organisation beyond HQ Learning from experience to better engage our workforce (including “Generations Y & Z”!) Linking awareness building into our business as usual communications Thinking about how we keep the approach fresh and learn from best practice elsewhere Switch staff giving post tax to pre-tax giving Aim for (Gold?!) Payroll Giving Award in 2012