SUSTAINABILITY People and Communities getting what they want and need in a way that lets all living things get what they want and need forever.
We need to know… We need to be respectful of the animals in the environment. We need to be respectful of the animals in the environment. We need to sustain animal habitat by making We need to sustain animal habitat by making responsible and positive choices. responsible and positive choices. Human and animal relationships are Human and animal relationships are dependent on one another. dependent on one another.
In our art project, we will learn about animals that live in our area and how we can help sustain their survival. Sustainability and Us
Grey Fox Garter Snake
Coyote Raccoon
Blue Jay Bald Eagle
Painted Turtle Green Frog
painted thousands of pictures of birds. The Audubon Society was started in his honor to help preserve wildlife.
painted scenery to replicate the natural environment of different animals at The Museum of Natural History in New York City.
1)Pick an animal from the Northeast Region. 2) Find out about your animal and its habitat.
What animal did you choose? Describe the natural habitat of your animal What food does your animal rely on to survive How do our actions affect the environment and habitat of the animal
1.Sketch your animal in its habitat. 2. Gather materials for armature.
Bottles Caps Egg Cartons Tin Foil Newspaper Cardboard Fabric Construction Paper Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Tubes Toothpicks Recyclable and Non-Recyclable Materials Bring these items from home that are going to be thrown away or recycled.
From Start to Finish Creating your Armature 1.Begin by forming large body parts (fins, legs, arms, wings) out of tin foil. 2.Attach body parts to bottle using masking tape (use at least two pieces per part).
3. Cut Newspaper into strips. 4. Dip newspaper strips into papier-mâché and clean off the extra glue. 5. Apply papier-mâché strips to taped areas first. 6. Wrap papier-mâché strips around the rest of the animal’s body and parts.
7. Based on your research decide what colors you will need for your sculpture. 8. Mix the paints if necessary. 9. Use the appropriate size brush to paint the large areas of your sculpture. 10. Use smaller brushes to make the details of your animal (ex., eyes, stripes, fur or scales).
11.Keeping your animals habitat in mind, select the appropriate size base for your sculpture. 12. Glue your recyclable materials to the base and paint. 13. Complete the artist reflection sheet.
Artist Statement Three-dimensional Animal Sculpture What materials did you use to create your three-dimensional animal sculpture? What details did you add to make your animal or its habitat seem more realistic? What did you find difficult about the project? What was easy? What does sustainability mean to you? What would you do to help sustain your animal’s natural environment?
Where will your sculpture end up?