The Chesapeake Crescent A Collaborative Initiative to Drive Regional Prosperity and Global Competitiveness Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia and the United States Government February 2007
The Chesapeake Crescent spans Virginia, Maryland and the Nation’s Capitol…and potentially, Delaware A true crescent region that borders and is signified by the Chesapeake Bay Cultural, historical and environmental identity rooted in shared geography A single economic and social market that encompasses major portions of all Crescent states A region housing the headquarters of the Federal government, with its three largest employment centers--Washington, Baltimore and Tidewater--whose operations are dependent on a higher performing region
Chesapeake Crescent Proposed Organization Mayor Fenty Governor KaineGovernor O’Malley Program Directors Board of Directors & Steering Committee Managing Director Staff Assistants Energy & Environment Chairman of the Board* & Vice Chairmen Honorary Co-Chairmen Federal Government Representation Innovation Economy Secure & Sustainable Development Sustained Regional Collaboration
Chesapeake Crescent Business Strategy Energy & Environment Homeland & National Security Life Sciences Supported by: Housing and Transportation Infrastructure Public and Private Collaboration Regional Objectives: Compete Globally Comprehensive Economic Development Support Federal Innovation Mission Requirements
Innovation Economy Linking federal labs, universities, entrepreneurs and investors to build a culture of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship Creating linked investment strategies to attract small and large businesses to the region in such areas as energy, IT, environment, life-sciences, and homeland security Utilizing the buying power of the region’s 10 million consumers and multiple government and private sector buyers to invest in and adopt innovative technological products and services The Chesapeake Crescent will become a recognized global leader in the innovation economy by:
Venture Capital (SEC’s) Licensing Spin out Start-ups Top Regional SEC’s Entrepreneurs Industry Regional IP Portal Incubator Technologies Innovation Commercialization Environment Limited Angel PINs Ad Hoc Angels
Top Regional SEC’s Regional IP Portal Top Next Gen CEO’s Regional University Fellowships Incubator Technologies Licensing Spin out Start-ups Venture Capital (SEC’s) Deepen Angel PINs Embed Entrepreneur w/ Research Connect Angels- Tech and Alumni Clubs Industry Entrepreneurs Regional Innovation Commercialization Plan NEW Bundle IP
Environment & Energy Powering regional efforts in clean energy efficiency, such as shared emission standards, renewable energy generation and storage technology, green building standards and green-collar job training Harnessing the power of the regional market by creating incentives to conserve energy, to move toward clean energy, to attract and retain innovators in the energy sector to locate here, and to encourage adoption of green technologies by businesses and consumers Integrating regional policies and initiatives to drive transit-oriented development, high-speed inter-modal transportation networks and a clean and secure 21 st century infrastructure The Chesapeake Crescent will become a global leader in clean energy and a sustainable environment by:
Secure and Sustainable Development Creating competitive region-wide job and housing markets, including through incentives for workforce housing in high-density nodes linked by high speed transit, connecting jobs and housing from Aberdeen to Richmond and beyond Working with the Federal government to accommodate the growth of a high quality Federal workforce and insure its security and safety Developing a high-speed regional rail transportation strategy in the context of the 2009 Transportation Act The Chesapeake Crescent will develop a secure and resilient 21 st century infrastructure that provides a high quality of life for all residents by:
Regional Interdependency Requires Collaborative Action Today, there is no truly collaborative mechanism—engaging public and private sector leadership to create regional policy and spur regional action to meet urgent regional challenges caused by global economic and environmental developments Although global forces, and a single regional economic/social market warrant collaborative regional thinking, political and sectional boundaries foster fragmented decision-making The opportunity to act is now—with aligned bi-partisan leadership at the federal and state levels, the Crescent can leverage regional public-private leadership to drive critical decisions and actions needed for the well-being of the entire region Regional action is needed to drive business and job growth, while addressing critical quality of life issues such as transportation, housing, energy and the environment The regional workforce demands of the Federal government and major private enterprises require immediate action to mitigate a deteriorating quality of life caused by congestion, accelerating prices and the need to re-staff the Federal workforce
LEADERSHIP, VISION, AND ACTION ARE NEEDED FOR A 21 st CENTURY GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE REGION Wilmington Baltimore Annapolis Washington Charlottesville Richmond Norfolk Roger London Innovation Economy Program Director