Higher Education Induction
Higher Education Centre Library books – book out from main Reception Photocopying – See main Reception/tutor Printing Quiet Study Area ext 0 to renew library books
HE Students Area Did you know you have an area on the Intranet set up exclusively for you to use? This can be found through:- LearnNet Select Student Services (on the right of the page) Select HE Students (at the bottom middle of the page)
H E Students area of the Intranet You have an idea set up exclusively for you It can be found through:- LearnNet, Student Services, HE Students
HE Student Representative Would you like to be the voice for HE student's across the College? Are you able to attend 3-4 meetings a year? Have you got a passion to seek to improve the provision and gather feedback from Students? If so the HE Student Representative role could be for you!! Full job description can be found under the Learner Voice area of the intranet
HE Student Representative If you would like to be nominated the Nomination Form can be found under the Learner Voice tab. Please ask a colleague to second your form Please return to Lucy Moore in Student Services by Friday 2nd October 2015 or –
HE Programme Representative Each course has to nominate one or more Programme Representatives who also discuss any queries, concerns, positive comments at regular Programme meetings The Programme Representatives forwards their courses views to the HE Student Representative. The Programme Representatives attend the annual HE students meeting held in the second semester between January-March.
HE Student Governor Would you like to be a HE Student Governor? Would you like to get involved in College life and be the voice of other students representing them at Corporation meetings? It would mean attending 5 meetings a year, usually held on a Wednesday at 8.30 am? If so, please contact Josh Brooks on ext 213 or
Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) Disabled Students Allowance As a higher education student living in England, you can apply for a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) if you have a disability, including a: long-term health condition mental health condition specific learning difficulty, eg dyslexia For more information and to apply:-
HE Student Advisor – Lucy Moore If you have any queries about your course, student finance or progression options Please do not hesitate to contact Lucy Moore in Student Services or or ring ext Lucy is there to help and support you.
Any Questions ?