1 WP1 Coordination Sylvie Joussaume (CNRS-IPSL) IS-ENES 2 nd General Assembly Lecce, Italy December 12 th -14 th 2011 The IS-ENES website IS-ENES Partners:


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Presentation transcript:

1 WP1 Coordination Sylvie Joussaume (CNRS-IPSL) IS-ENES 2 nd General Assembly Lecce, Italy December 12 th -14 th 2011 The IS-ENES website IS-ENES Partners:

Aims of the website Provide information on the project activities, working progress Provide access to deliverables, publications, events, workshops … Target: IS-ENES partners, Scientific Community, Decision-makers and general public Advertise on the IS-ENES services Visibility of the project Visibility of the Community Internal tool for the project participants IS-ENES 2 nd General Assembly Lecce, Italy December 12 th -14 th 2011

IS-ENES website structure News Events: – Upcoming events – Past events (with presentations, minutes etc.) Project description: – Objectives – Partners – Workpackages – Documents (DoW, publications, newsletters, deliverables…) Direct access to the ENES portal through the Resources tab Internal collaboration area

NEWS and Upcoming Events on the Home page

PAST EVENTS (with presentations, minutes etc.)

Project description: - Objectives - Partners - Workpackages - Documents (DoW, publications, newsletters, deliverables…) Overview of the project and access to WP main achievements


Direct access to the ENES portal through the Resources tab

Internal collaboration area A tool for the Consortium Intranet section accessible only by the project participants (with login/password): – Useful documents (contractual documents, budget, reports, deliverables, logo …)

Exchange Platform by WP

- Example JRA5

collaboration between the participants This collaboration area allows participants to easily exchange work documents, and to keep people from other WP informed on the work done. project management It also allows the Coordinator to share administrative documents and to give some guidance (templates, guidance documents etc).

ENES newsletter IS-ENES 2 nd General Assembly Lecce, Italy December 12 th -14 th 2011