EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM Southern California Edison Workforce Training Presentation to the LIOB January 26, 2010 San Jose, CA
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM LIEE Related Training As a electric utility, SCE is focused on the delivery and installation of appliances and provides training in the following areas: Home Inspection Home Assessment Services Service Delivery and Installation Energy Management Assistance Partnership System (EMAPS) Computer-Based Training
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM Other Training Community Colleges Collaboration Expose students to technologies/job opportunities within the professional fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy in cooperation with on-campus curriculum programs. Among the courses offered: Fundamentals of Electricity and Energy Efficiency Green Building Hype or Help? How to Conduct an Energy Efficiency Site Survey Introduction to Sustainability and Life Cycle Costing Save Energy, Save Money: An Introduction to Energy Efficiency and Rebates Introduction to Lighting
EDISON INTERNATIONAL® SM Other Training SCE Supports Training for Green Jobs with $1 Million in Grants to 10 Southern California Community Colleges –This shareholder initiative will provide $2,000 scholarships for students with financial need who are enrolled in green job workforce preparation –Green jobs include fields such as solar panel installation, water and wastewater management, transportation and alternative fuels, biofuels production and farming, environmental compliance and sustainability planning –SCE will provide $100,000 to each of 10 selected colleges