Achieving web-accessibility for disabled users AAATE Conference 1 st September 2009 Nadège Riche, EDF Policy Officer
European Disability Forum Who we are Represents 50 million people with disabilities Represents all types of disability Umbrella organisation of disability organisations in the European Union Organisation OF people with disabilities and not for disabled people Our motto: Nothing about people with disabilities without people with disabilities
European Disability Forum What we do Objective: to promote the rights of people with disabilities and fight against discrimination At European and international level Areas of work: non-discrimination, social affairs, education, health, EU funding, transport, tourism, built environment, ICT, standardisation,…
Accessing the web Accessing the web is a human and fundamental right Recognised by the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities Assessed by EU institutions Access to the web means (e-)inclusion: Access to independent living Access to education, training and work Access to public and private services Access to leisure and culture Access to communication and individual expression Access to –civic- participation
Web-accessibility Definition: Access to mainstream websites by the widest possible number of people, regardless of their age and/or disabilities, in accordance with the concept of design for all/universal design Development of assistive technologies as a complementary approach Scope: Public websites Websites of entities that provide services of general services/basic services for the public Private website Intranet Focus on new websites and functionalities
WCAG 2.0 Harmonised implementation of WCAG 2.0 over Europe Developing evaluation and assessment methodology as well as conformity assessment methods Third-party certification with automatic and human testing Developing authoring tools incorporating accessibility requirements Raising awareness and skills of people designing and producing websites
Nadège Riche EDF Policy Officer