Capacity development for Inclusive Green Growth Economy in Africa Expert Group Meeting on Enabling Measures for an Inclusive Green Economy in Africa 23 and 24 September 2014, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Role of capacity development in achieving inclusive green economy (IGE) 3.Trends and gaps in capacity development for inclusive green economy 4.Challenges and opportunities 5.Conclusion and Recommendations
1. Introduction Capacity Development (CD) as used in the report: “Process through which individuals, groups and organisations, and societies deploy, adapt, strengthen, and maintain the capabilities to define, plan and achieve their own development objectives on an inclusive, participatory, and sustainable basis” Capacity development is considered at three complementary levels: Individual Organisational or institutional Societal or enabling environment level
2. Role of capacity development in achieving inclusive green economy (IGE) Crucial role of capacity development recognized and there is demonstrated demand for it at all levels Level of Capacity development Major Roles or significance of capacity development in fostering IGE 1. Individual level Enhance IGE awareness, understanding and appreciation: Develop employable skills in green jobs labour market 2.Organisatio nal or institutional level Support IGE policy formulation, planning and implementation Strengthen ability to analyse challenges, identify opportunities and alternatives, and take decisions on IGE. Ensure effective IGE assessment and monitoring Promote technology innovation, research and development for IGE Mobilise financing for IGE Develop green trade
Role of capacity development in achieving IGE Contd. Level of Capacity development Major Roles or significance of capacity development in fostering IGE 3. Enabling or Societal level Strengthen overall policy and legislative and social norms environment within which individuals and organisations 0r institutions operate at national, subregional and regional levels Strengthening incentive structures to reduce employee turn-over and ensure availability of long-term capacity for IGE in the public and private sector Enhance political commitment and leadership for and popular participation in IGE. Strengthen and widen opportunities to enable people to use and expand their capacities to the fullest.
3. Trends and gaps in capacity development for IGE A growing number of African countries are designing frameworks that are providing the strategic direction and inroads for capacity development to foster the transition to IGE Countries with such IGE frameworks include: Ethiopia Mozambique Rwanda South Africa Role and importance of CD is recognized Processes for the formulation of frameworks and the frameworks themselves assisting in the identification of CD needs, priorities and approaches. Scope of the CD needs and approaches identified is uneven across the countries Some good practices in identification, formulation and delivery of CD emerged –Ethiopia and Rwanda
Trends and gaps Cont. CD development dimensions are being identified in scoping and other studies on green economy UNEP green economy scoping (GES) studies Other studies by Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and GIZ Studies do not provide wide and detailed analyses of CD interventions necessary, planned or under way Only provide a snapshot of the capacity development gaps and needs Some striking aspects : Most countries underline the need to create a good understanding of the concept of green economy Lack of implementation capacity for IGE related plans and programmes – could apply to main IGE strategies
Trends and gaps Cont The number of international initiatives providing support to enable the transition to green economy is growing Examples include: Green Economy Initiative (UNEP) Green Economy Joint Programme (UNDP, UNEP and UNDESA) Green Industry Initiative (UNIDO) Green, Low-Emission Capacity Building Program (UNDP) Green Jobs Programme by ILO, UNEP and other partners OECD’s Green Growth Programme Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN Global Environment Facility (GEF) Climate and forest carbon funds
Trends and gaps Contd Most (64%) of those reviewed provided support to CD A vast majority target developing countries. Africa’s eight top-most beneficiary countries namely Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Mali, Ghana and Tanzania had each successfully engaged with different green economy initiatives. A number of initiatives underway and offered almost similar services to multiple partner countries, and beneficiary countries engaged multiple initiatives bears positive traits – Potential for duplication of efforts and the possibility of marginalization of some An apparent gap in initiatives that provided matching or brokering services that help to link countries with the assistance that they need including capacity development
4. Challenges and opportunities Challenges: IGE is a new and evolving area Lack of comprehensive and living plans and strategies as well as limited interventions on CD Coordination and enhancing synergies among CD initiatives Financing IGE capacity development
Challenges and opportunities continued Opportunities: Agencies providing institutional leadership for capacity development Financing capacity development Strategic frameworks for capacity development Ongoing initiatives and partnership for IGE capacity development Access to knowledge for inclusive green economy transition
5. Conclusions and recommendations Country frameworks to provide leadership in the development, coordination and delivery of IGE capacity development should be strengthened. Easily accessible capability that can be leveraged and tailored to respond to needs at local, national and regional levels in Africa is needed and should be developed and strengthened. Capacity development for IGE should be woven as a mutually supportive measure with initiatives related to technology development and transfer, financing, private sector development, and institutional development for IGE. Region-wide coherence, synergies and coordination in IGE capacity building should be promoted and monitored. IGE capacity development approaches that are linked and lead to concrete and transformative results on the ways of doing things and/or improved well-being of the target beneficiaries should be designed and promoted. South-South (SS) and triangular cooperation in capacity development for IGE should be strengthened.
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