Promotion & The Promotional Mix
Promotion is persuasive communication. Informs people of products & services. Enhances public image and reputation. Educates the public about issues. AIDA - attract Attention, build Interest & Desire, and ask for Action. 2 types of promotion: Product promotion explains features & benefits, identifies where product is sold, advertises sales, answers customer questions. Institutional promotion is used to create a favorable image for a business.
There are 5 basic categories: Personal selling Advertising Direct marketing Sales promotion Public relations
Requires that a company employ sales reps who maintain contact with customers and prospects. One of the costliest forms of promotion. Can take form of personal meetings, telemarketing, contact, and correspondence. Typically takes place after, or a result of, other promotional activities.
Advertising is a form of nonpersonal promotion. Companies pay to promote ideas with a variety of media outlets. With advertising, a company engages in a one-way communication to the customer or prospect. Direct Marketing is a type of advertising directed to a targeted group of customers & prospects, rather than a mass audience. The 2 forms are printed direct mail & electronic direct mail. ▪ Usually generates a response from the targeted customer by making a special offer. ▪ Gives recipients an incentive to respond by visiting a store or Web site. ▪ Allows one-way communication with customer; however, CAN-SPAM Act was passed in 2003.
Sales promotion represents all marketing activities- other than personal selling, advertising, and public relations-that are used to stimulate purchasing and sales. Its objectives are to increase sales, inform potential customers about new products, and create a positive company image. Include coupons, product samples, and point-of-purchase displays. Public relations (PR) activities enable an organization to influence a target audience. Campaigns try to create favorable image for company. News releases, publicity: placement is free, more believable than advertising.
1. As a class, decide on a business we would like to create! 2. Then, get into groups of 2-3 students. 3. Once in your groups, you will be given one of the 5 types of promotion. 4. You and your group MUST create an actual promotion, which you will present to the class at the end of the period!!!