What Is CAP? Presented by: Runyon Saltzman Einhorn Hill & Company Communications MSC Consulting Solsken Public Relations & Marketing June 24, 2015
What is CAP? Champion Alliance Program (CAP) Initiative designed to help recruit new Champions for Change and promote SNAP-Ed messages Establishment of community alliances with ethnically and geographically diverse organizations already working with SNAP-Ed target audience Will partner with LHD’s to deliver SNAP- Ed in their surrounding communities. Will launch in FFY
What is the Goal of CAP? Grow and sustain a pool of motivated, trained and available Champions Year 1 tentative goal for CAP: – 20 Champions to serve Latino community – 10 Champions to serve African-American community – 10 Champions to serve Asian community 3
What is a CAP Partner? A CAP partner is an organization that has an agreement with NEOPB to recruit and train a specific number of new and available Champions to help educate their community on the importance of healthy eating and daily physical activity. 4
Who are the CAP Partners and Who Will Manage Them? Hill & Company Communications Principal point of contact for CAP partners serving the African-American community. – California Black Women's Health Project: founded in 1994, focuses on empowering black women to take personal responsibility for their own health and to advocate for changes in policies that adversely affect black women's health status. – Pastors Working Together/International Faith Based Coalition: founded in 1991, unites faith leaders to collaborate, strategize and align on health and other issues in order to build a safer and healthier African-American community. 5
MSC Consulting Serves as the principal point of contact for CAP partner, Visión y Compromiso, serving the Latino community. – Established in 2000, Visión y Compromiso is the leading organization in California providing training, leadership and ongoing advocacy and support to Promotoras and Community Health Workers. 6 Who are the CAP Partners and Who Will Manage Them?
Solsken Public Relations & Marketing Serves as the principal point of contact for CAP partners serving the Hmong, Vietnamese and Chinese communities. – Chinatown Public Health Center: founded in 1929 to serve the Chinese community and those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and/or culturally isolated. – Fresno Center for New Americans: founded in 1991 to serve the Hmong community to equip them with skills and tools to become contributing members of the community. – Vietnamese Community of Orange County: founded in 1979 to serve the Vietnamese community to enable them to become actively participating citizens in the mainstream society. 7 Who are the CAP Partners and Who Will Manage Them?
How Will CAP Partners Recruit & Train Champions? Hill & Company Communications, MSC Consulting and Solsken PR will manage and lead day-to-day interactions with their respective CAP partners. CAP partners will receive an introduction to the Champions for Change program at the 2015 Champion Alliance Workshops. H&CC, Solsken PR and MSC Consulting will host training webinars (Train-the Trainer) to ensure partners are well-equipped to execute their specific Scopes of Work. 8
CAP partners will agree to a specific Scope of Work that will include: – Recruiting a predetermined number of available Champions between October 2015 and September 2016 – Participating in Train-the-Trainer webinars – Requiring recruited Champions to conduct Champions for Change nutrition education presentations for SNAP-Ed eligible adults – Volunteering to participate in community events, including those led by their LHD – Posting and sharing of NEOPB approved messages on available social platforms 9 How Will CAP Partners Recruit & Train Champions?
How Can CAP Partners Help TRCs and LHDs? 10 Can TRCs and LHDs Work Directly with CAP Partners? – CAP partners will be encouraged to work with as many LHDs as necessary to complete their SOW activities. – CAP partners will respond to LHD requests on a case by case basis to ensure activities align with their SOW. What Role Will CAP Partners Play at Champion Alliance Workshops? – The Champion Alliance Workshops will serve as the first formal introduction to the Champions for Change program. – CAP partners will meet their LHDs and local Champions.
11 Champion Alliance Workshops 2015
Overview Background The 2015 Champion Alliance Workshop Series will kick off in mid-July. Each workshop will accommodate participants in a day of guided conversations around existing local efforts to promote Champions for Change campaign, growing the movement, and available resources to attract, recruit and engage local Champions. Goal Introduce local health departments (LHDs), CAP partners and existing Champions for Change to one another with intent of dialogue leading to local alliances. Designed to lay foundation for local relationship-building. 12
13 Workshop Dates and Venues DATECITYVENUE Thursday, July 16SacramentoSierra Health Foundation TBDSan JoseTBD Tuesday, August 4FresnoUnivision Fresno Tuesday, August 11AnaheimBrookhurst Community Ctr.
14 Next Steps 14 TASKDATE Champion Alliance Workshops beginJuly 16 CAP Partners begin workOctober 1
15 More Information/Assistance Please contact: Ian Tovar, NEOPB State Media & Public Relations Unit Chief 15
16 Questions 16