Class of 2016 Senior Presentation Everything you need to know to help your child be a successful student at JCHS!
Who is your counselor? Mrs. Cox Ms. Sanders (on campus Wed-Fri) Other important people you need to know… Registrar: Ms. Harris Secretary: Mrs. Standifer Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., M-F
Stay Connected! Find us on Facebook, and like our page Visit our school webpage Use parent portal to keep up with your child’s attendance and grades! jsp
A student must have 23 credits in order to graduate from high school Those credits must generally include the following: 4 English 4 Math 4 Science 3 Social Studies (U.S. History and World History, Economics/Government) 1 Health/PE 3 credits in CTAE/Foreign Language/Fine Arts area 4 general elective credits ALL course requirements must be completed in order to participate in the graduation ceremony! If you aren’t going to have 23 credits, and plan to graduate in May see a counselor ASAP *Most, if not all, four-year and two- year colleges now require two years of the same foreign language Contact the colleges for specific information.
Grade Point Averages Two main types of GPA's. Cumulative average Core/HOPE GPA Cumulative is EVERYTHING the student has taken—9 th through 12 th grade. Core includes only academic subject areas (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Language.) It also includes any academic electives (ex: AP Human Geography).
How do you calculate a GPA? Add all grades earned, and divide by the number of grades 100 point scale (ex: out of 100) All grades are included in this calculation (high school courses taken in middle school, failed, summer school, online, transfer, electives, core) Class rank is based on cumulative numeric GPA
HOPE Requirements HOPE GPA of 3.0 HOPE GPA only includes academic courses and language courses Zell Miller GPA requirement: 3.7 minimum score of 1200 on the math and reading portions of the SAT test or a minimum composite score of 26 on the ACT test in a single test administration Or graduate as the Valedictorian or Salutatorian
HOPE Requirements Class of 2016 Students must receive 3 credits in the following types of courses in addition to maintaining a 3.0 HOPE GPA Advanced Algebra, Math III, or an equivalent or higher course Chemistry, Physics, or an equivalent or higher course AP course or Dual Enrollment course Spanish II or French II or higher course
Additional HOPE Information Must have a valid social security number on file in our office to receive HOPE. Males must register with the Selective Service no later than 30 days before their 18th birthday. HOPE eligibility will be delayed until this requirement is met. Register at What are the award amounts? The HOPE Scholarship award varies and depends on the type of institution you are attending and your specific hours of enrollment. There is a chart on the GA College 411 website to determine this information. HOPE Scholarship recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA throughout college at various checkpoints. Zell Miller recipents must maintain a 3.3 GPA
HOPE Grant The HOPE Grant program is for students seeking certification from a technical college or technical division, regardless of the student's high school grade point average. Full-time enrollment is not required. HOPE Grant award amount will cover a portion of a student's tuition. (view chart on the GACollege 411 to find award amounts). HOPE Grant recipients must maintain a 2.0 GPA at certain checkpoints, in order to maintain eligibility.
Work Information Use the career planning tools on the website for help understanding what might be a good fit. Don't wait until the last minute to find a job. Take the ASVAB (a career planning test sponsored by the military.... a FREE exam with no commitment to the armed services). It is offered once a year at JCHS. Work on building your resume. Network, shadow, and interview people who can help you get started after high school. Consider furthering your education by just taking a class or two at a local college.
Military Talk to recruiters now....don't wait! Bring a trusted individual with you – parent/guardian/friend. Do not sign anything until you are ready. You are committed once you sign documents. Explore your options within the military. Take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). All branches require this test be taken. It is given once a year at JCHS. Date will be announced in the Fall. Be sure you also talk to the recruiter about funding for college to ensure you are eligible for aid. Must be a high school graduate, no GED
Colleges & Universities Two and four year colleges & universities Bachelor’s Degrees Associates Degrees Technical Colleges Associates Degrees Diploma Programs Technical Certificates of Credit Public or Private schools Admissions Requirements vary. Check with each individual school
College Entrance Exams/Tests S.A.T. – A.C.T. – ASSET/COMPASS Accepted by most public two-year colleges and technical schools in Georgia. Register at the college/technical college you will attend. Armed Services Vocational Battery Aptitude (ASVAB) STUDENTS are responsible for sending their OFFICIAL test scores to the college of their choice. Must be requested through the testing site.
What is the difference between the ACT and the SAT? ACT Questions tend to be more straightforward More advanced math concepts Includes a science section More of a “big picture” exam No guessing penalty SAT Stronger emphasis on vocabulary Science section not included Broken into more sections than the ACT Changes coming for Spring 2016! Both are national exams, most colleges and universities will accept either test
Taking the SAT/ACT Make an account on the testing site S.A.T. – A.C.T. – Pick a date and location Print out admission ticket Fee waivers are available for students who receive free or reduced lunch—2 per year.
Admissions statistics from three largest research universities in Georgia from Middle 50% Average GPA: 3.91 SAT middle 50%: ACT middle 50%: % took at least 1 AP class Early Action: October 15 Reg. Deadline January 15 Middle 50% Core GPA: SAT(CR+M): ACT: Priority Deadline: Nov. 16 Reg. Deadline: March 1 Middle 50% Core GPA: SAT: ACT: AP/DE: 7-12 Early Action: Oct. 15 Reg. Deadline: Jan. 10
Local Colleges and Universities Georgia College & State University Average GPA: SAT middle 50%: ACT middle 50%: Early Action: November 7th Reg. Deadline April 1st Georgia Southern University Average GPA: 3.27 SAT middle 50%: ACT middle 50%: Reg. Deadline May 1st Georgia Military College Average GPA: SAT middle 50%: ACT middle 50%: Early Action: November 7th Reg. Deadline April 1st Gordon College Avg. SAT:430 R, 430 M Avg. ACT:17 English, 18 Math Students who score below the required test scores, must take the COMPASS. Deadline: August 1st
The College Application Process The Application Application Fees Transcripts Letter of Recommendation College Visits Financial Planning
College Applications Sources College Admissions Office College web site Pay close attention to deadlines and items that are also required to complete your application Example: Proof of legal residence, health forms, test scores, letters of recommendation
How many schools should I apply to? Dream School or Reach School Likely—a pretty good chance of getting in Safety—a sure thing for admission and cost
Apply! Every senior will have the opportunity to work on a college application, scholarship application, or job application with the counselors in the Fall.
I need an “official transcript”… OUT OF STATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Request paper transcript from Counseling Office If counselors are out of the office, please fill out a transcript request form GEORGIA COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES ONLY Request Online through Will send paper copy for final transcript To learn how to request your transcript via GAcollege411, go to _default.aspx _default.aspx
Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommendation are written only when requested Pick up a counselor recommendation form in the counseling office. Student will need to complete the form and bring it to their counselor. Plan ahead – You must allow one week for your counselor to complete your letter of recommendation The student’s part of the application is expected to be completed beforehand.
The letter or arrives… ACCEPTED! (Hooray) Send deposits Check with each college for deadline Celebrate!!! Wait-listed Don’t panic Evaluate back-up plan Denied— It’ll be okay Go to back-up plan
Scholarships Check with the college you applied to Website, financial aid office College Planning—Financial Aid Planning How to apply for the HOPE: (1) by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form, or (2) by completing the Georgia Student Financial Aid Application System (GSFAPPS) - You MUST apply. It is not automatically given to you!
Athletic Scholarships Student registers at Student requests a transcript to be sent to NCAA Clearinghouse Student sends S.A.T./A.C.T. scores to NCAA Clearinghouse, scores must be sent directly from the testing service Student calculates core average according to NCAA requirements Student and family review NCAA policies and procedures
Other important information to remember… Val & Sal Highest and second highest numerical average through first 3 years of high school and first 30 weeks of senior year. These students will have been a JCHS student for at least 4 consecutive semesters prior to the selection process. Honor Graduate Overall high school average throughout the first 3 years of high school and the first 30 weeks of senior year of 90.0 Averages are NOT rounded up.
Want more information about colleges and financial aid? Attend College Night on November 3 rd at 6:00 in the JCHS Cafeteria Come and meet with several different college representatives & a representative from the Georgia Student Finance Commission!