THE COORDINATION OF EUROPEAN WORKS COUNCILS JEREMY WADDINGTON These tables are prepared for delegates attending a workshop entitled ‘Improving Trade Union Coordination of European Works Councils’ organised by UNI-Europa and the European Trade Union Institute, held at Hotel Mercure Wien City, Hollandstraße 3, Vienna, Austria on 1-3 February The tables are not to be quoted without the express permission of the author. Jeremy Waddington is the Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of Manchester and the Project Coordinator for the European Trade Union Institute, Brussels.
TABLE 1 WAS THE QUALITY OF THE INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION ADEQUATE? IssueNot Raised % Raised, but useless information % Useful information, but no consultation % Useful information and consultation % Disparity Index Economic and financial situation of the company Corporate strategy and investment Changes to working methods Closures or cutbacks Mergers, take-overs or acquisitions New technology policy/ technological change Reorganisation of production Transfers/relocation Employment forecasts Research and development policy Vocational training Equal opportunities Health and safety Environmental protection Trade union rights Working time Profit sharing/financial participation Parental leave / (N=941) ALL EWC REPRESENTATIVES
TABLE 2 UNIONISATION, UNION REPRESENTATION AND THE QUALITY OF THE INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION Issue100% unionised % Between 70% & 99% unionised % Up to 69% unionised % EIF coordinator present % No EIF coordinator present % Expert appointed by employee reps % No expert appointed by employee reps. % AllN=397N=211N=140N=310N=631N=536N=405 Subsidiary Requirements agenda Extension agenda
TABLE 3 HOW EFFECTIVE IS THE EUROPEAN WORKS COUNCIL? Very effective? % Effective % Indifferent % Ineffective % Very ineffective % Understanding how the company functions in Europe EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators / As a source of information EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators / Relations with management EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators / As a means to express an opinion within the company EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators / As a means of consultation EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators Discussions/negotiations within the company EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators Securing greater influence for workers at work EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators As a means to influence management decisions EWC Representatives EWC Coordinators
TABLE 4 WHAT SHOULD BE THE PRINCIPAL PURPOSES OF EWCs? SECTION ONE Coordinators % EWCs should remain as information and consultation bodies56.8 EWCs should acquire negotiating rights43.2 SECTION TWO EWCs should be the coordination hubs of transnational trade unionism47.7 EWCs should act in accordance with trade union policy27.3 EWCs should coordinate between worker representation in the company and trade unions 25.0 EWC should be independent of trade unions/ Note: Respondents were asked to tick one box from Section One and one box from Section Two.
TABLE 5 HOW IMPORTANT ARE THESE DUTIES TO UNDERTAKING YOUR ROLE AS AN EWC COORDINATOR? Acting as…Very important % Important % Neutral % Not very important % Not at all important % An expert for the EWC // The communications link to UNI-Europa /4.3 The communications link with your trade union / A medium through which general information can be obtained // A medium through which the EWC learns to act collectively // A facilitator for the EWC // A spokesperson for the EWC A medium to resolve conflict between the EWC and management An information source on EWC ‘best practice’ // A medium to resolve conflict within the EWC / An information source on UNI-Europa policy /
TABLE 6 WHAT BARRIERS HOLD BACK THE PERFORMANCE OF THE EWC THAT YOU COORDINATE? Very important % Important % Neutral % Not very important % Not at all important % A lack of training among EWC reps / Inadequate definitions of information and consultation Poor provisions of the EWC agreement Lack of resources and time available to the coordinator The inexperience of reps. in handling central management My lack of training as a coordinator Lack of commitment among EWC reps Limited time available for plenary/full EWC meetings Lack of support from national trade unions Lack of support from UNI-Europa National trade unions mistrust EWCs
TABLE 7 ON WHAT ISSUES WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE MORE TRAINING IN ORDER TO UNDERTAKE YOUR DUTIES AS AN EWC COORDINATOR? Coordinators % Employment law and industrial relations in other EU Member States54.3 Examples of EWC best practice43.5 EU institutions and regulations41.3 Foreign language training41.3 Information and consultation rights of EWCs39.1 Company/management practices in Europe37.0 Analysis of company results/financial information34.8 About trade unions in Europe26.1 Developing communication systems21.7 Intercultural communication21.7 Negotiation skills19.6 Conflict resolution17.4 Campaigning8.7 Public relations6.5 Equal opportunities2.2 Note: 34.8 per cent of respondents reported that they had already received specific training to assist them in undertaking their duties as an EWC Coordinator.
TABLE 8 HOW ARE YOU SUPPORTED AS AN EWC COORDINATOR? Support received by coordinators % Support from an expert on EWCs from my union/federation37.0 Support from an expert on EWCs within UNI-Europa32.6 Information on international contacts within the company from UNI-Europa32.6 Information on international contacts within the company from my trade union/federation30.4 Reduced workload from my national trade union19.6 Support on conflict resolution between management and the EWC from my national trade union/federation 15.2 Support from an expert on EWCs from my national trade union confederation13.0 Support on conflict resolution within the EWC from my national trade union/federation10.9 Support on conflict resolution between management and the EWC from UNI-Europa8.7 Support on conflict resolution within the EWC from UNI-Europa6.5 Other support (please specify)/ N=38 Note: 82.6 per cent of respondents (N=38) reported that they had received support from trade union organisations in carrying their duties as an EWC Coordinator.
TABLE 9 WHAT ADDITIONAL FORMS OF SUPPORT WOULD ASSIST IN UNDERTAKING YOUR DUTIES AS AN EWC COORDINATOR? Support required on…Support required by coordinators % Setting up/maintaining communication systems with EWC reps.47.8 Establishment of a trade union alliance (network)45.7 The renegotiation of the EWC agreement45.7 Advice on conflict resolution39.1 Checklists and model agreements34.8 Other (please specify: stronger legislation)2.2 N=46