ATMOTERM Corp. 4 Langowskiego Street Opole POLAND tel fax DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental Needs ATMOTERM Corporation specializes in the development of computer systems for Environmental Information Management Systems (EIMS) as well as in Environmental Consulting. The main areas of our company expertise lie in the design, development and fine-tuning of environmental databases. ATMOTERM serves over 2000 clients every year. There are over 1000 users of its software solutions. It is a recognized market leader in the field of Environmental software Implementation and Development. It’s product and services life-cycles evolve in tandem with both industry and regulatory changes, with new features developed in response to ever-changing customer needs. Awards and Recognition TUV Cert Certification of Quality Management System (QMS) according to ISO 9001:2000 standard SOZAT – Environmental Information Management System (EIMS) nominated as one of the top seven products for the title of Polish Product of the Future SOZAT System awarded with the European Medal by the Business Centre Club Golden Fair Play Certificate awarded by the National Chamber of Commerce X
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental prev home next X SOZAT is a software system created by ATMOTERM that assists and supports environmental management. The system is user- friendly and can be employed by businesses of all sizes, operating in all areas of industry. SOZAT simplifies data collection, data analysis, permit applications, environmental fee calculations and reporting procedures. SOZAT is an integrated environmental suite of modules which together contain the most critical types of industrial environmental emissions and impacts such as: ECO 2 Suite ISO SOZAT Air emission module Waste module Water module Wastewater module and helps to ensure your company remains compliant with all of today’s environmental management standards. SOZAT is a complete solution for all of your environmental needs. WASTEWATER Module Transaction Opportunity Sheet SOZAT Overview SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO
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X Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental 5. Control your CO 2 emission allowances What should I do to meet the requirements of the European Trading Scheme (ETS) from 2005? 1.Choose the right calculation methodology for emission monitoring 2.Create a CO 2 emission database 3.Contribute to operational production and financial planning for Support long-term planning solution...? WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Overview SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental A unique software solution that can address your needs for CO 2 emissions today with the flexibility that your company will need to meet the greenhouse gas emission challenges of tomorrow. ECO 2 Suite keeps your CO 2 emission management in-line with the requirements of the ETS 2003/87/EC directive and draft decision on establishing guidelines for the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. Benefits of implementing ECO 2 Suite... >> X WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental 1.Control and reduce your tracking costs 2.Defend your baseline ??? 3.Maximize the value of your extra allowances 4.Minimize the influence of regulatory ??? 5.Simplify your enterprise planning 6.Reduce risk of working with inappropriate data and consequently losing environmental opportunies or bearing extra cost due to wrong decisions 7.Reduce time and cost on implementing a new environmental monitoring, registering and reporting methodologies (e.g. CO 2 ) X WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental One module of our SOZAT system which lets you run all data registration and CO 2 emission calculations according to acceptable methodologies defined by draft decision establishing guidelines for the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. 1 X CO 2 Emission Register WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental 2 CO 2 Emission Register assures: control CO 2 emission during verification process database which could be checked by an external verifier at any time. CO 2 emission calculations with choosen proper mothodology for all kinds of installations. Improves security and reliability of the emission data in your company’s management system and helps you to avoid losses of millions of Euro. X CO 2 Emission Register WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module Emission Register SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental 1 ETS 2003/87/EC directive requires emission verification starting from March CO 2 emission reporter provides right reports for your annual CO 2 emission verification. X CO 2 Emission Reporter WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental 2 CO 2 emission reporter allows you to generate different reports depending on your own needs including data compilation for future emission scenarios for the years 2005 – X CO 2 Emission Reporter WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module Emission Reporter SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental 1 Tool for facilitating planning of any kind of future development in your installation. If you are going to change: production volume, plant capacity, production technology, technological parameters. you can predict all the affects on your future CO 2 emissions. X CO 2 Emission Scenario Creator WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental 2 Allows you to create a number of emission scenarios for different technological settings and production volumes in your installation within and beyond specified trading periods. Scenario Creator encompasses whole complexity of future emission trends, not only changes in the production capacity but also changes in your technological arrangements influencing aggregated emission factors. Future emission scenarios building facilitate operational and strategic decisions about emission allowances. X CO 2 Emission Scenario Creator WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module Emission Scenario Creator SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental User-friendly tool providing comparison of CO 2 emission allowances with emission database scenarios from different trading periods. X CO 2 Transaction Opportunity Sheet WASTEWATER Module Transaction Opportunity Sheet SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental X ISO SOZAT includes: Aspects register, Environmental program manager, ISO reporter – aspects and program performance reporting tool. Running your ISO system smoothly means understanding your true environmental problems, and that is where our system comes in. WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental X Integrate air pollution data into one database describing influence of significant aspects of your activity on air quality in range: Amount of air pollutants, Stocktaking of all emitters and sources of air emission, Legal status of company. Air emission module improves the quality of your environmental reporting standards. This is excellent tool in environmental management system. WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental X Waste management in the company can be simplified by implementing the SOZAT waste module. This simple tool can be adjusted to the requirements of waste management system and provides: Detailed information about waste, Improvement of Waste Minimization System, Saving time on data processing and report preparation. WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental X Water module provides full scope of data regarding: Measurement statistics for all water intakes, Management of water distribution, Water balances during tracking period, Quality of intaken water. WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet
Complete Software Solutions for All Your Environmental X Waste water module is a database which provides full control of all aspects of activity connected with waste water management. Customized Reports using the Query function can be used to generate any kind of required statistics and environmental reports about: Sewage treatment plants, and sewage types, Sewage pollution levels, Sewage balance during tracking periods. WASTEWATER Module SOZAT Elements ECO 2 Suite Overview Emission Register Emission Reporter Emission Scenario Creator ISO SOZAT AIR Module WASTE Module WATER Module SOZAT Overview DOWNLOAD FREE SOZAT DEMO Transaction Opportunity Sheet