Syngenta Seeds and the Agricultural Media Anne Florenzano
2 About Syngenta Syngenta is a worldwide agriculture business based in Basel, Switzerland. It was formed in 2000 from two chemical companies. NK Brand Seeds (formerly Northrup King) Agrochemicals
3 About Syngenta In 2004 Syngenta acquired Garst and Golden Harvest seed companies and became the third largest seed company in the North American region.
4 The Research Problem The acquisitions of the new seed companies required greater awareness of the three Syngenta seed brands. All agricultural businesses rely heavily on the agricultural media to convey information to farmers and growers. What does Syngenta know about the agricultural media’s attitudes?
5 About Agricultural Media The “agricultural media” is journalists that cover agriculture, who have specialized understanding in agriculture issues and practices, and report in print, broadcast (mostly radio) and online formats that go directly to farmers and other agri-business. Radio Print Online
6 Research Question Has communication by Syngenta been successful in informing the agricultural media about the Syngenta Seeds business?
7 Methodology of Survey 26 question online survey using 427 local, regional and national agriculture journalists – American Agricultural Editors Association – National Association of Farm Broadcasters – Representatives from radio, print and online 2 main sections – Specific questions about Syngenta Seeds – Questions about their Syngenta representative
8 Response to Survey 39% response rate – Hard-copy letter sent to each survey recipient informing them of the impending survey – Received 2 personal s citing the letter as the reason they didn’t delete survey
9 Survey Results – Understanding the specifics Below are names of some seed company brands. Please choose the brands you think are owned by Syngenta. 5.0% 87.6% 3.3% 5.8% 56.2% 57.9% 10.7% 15.7% 2.5% 0%20%40%60%80%100% Pioneer NK Brand Hubner Heartland Golden Harvest Garst Fontanell DeKalb Dairyland Response Percent
10 Survey Results – Understanding the specifics Do you think of Syngenta as a chemical company, a seed company, or both? Chemical company15% Seed company11% Both74%
11 Survey Results – Understanding the specifics Syngenta owns its own biotechnology traits. True 86% False 14%
12 Survey Results – Understanding the specifics How would you rate the awareness of Syngenta among your readers/listeners? Somewhat Aware or Aware 94%
13 Survey Results – Understanding the specifics How would you rate the awareness of Syngenta Among your readers/listeners? Somewhat Aware or Aware 94% Do you think Syngenta is as well known by your audience as other seed companies? Less well known 53%
14 Survey Results – About their Syngenta representative On a scale of 1 to 5, how responsive to your business needs is your Syngenta contact compared to your other seed company representatives? Equally as responsive 83% More responsive 12%
15 Survey Results – About their Syngenta representative On a scale of 1 to 5, how responsive to your business needs is your Syngenta contact compared to your other seed company representatives? Equally as responsive 83% More responsive 12% In the past, has your Syngenta contact provided you with relevant information when you needed it? Yes 98%
16 Survey Results – About their Syngenta representative Would you like to receive Syngenta press releases more or less often than you currently receive? Much less often0% Less often0% Same as now74% More often26% Much more often0%
17 Summary Was Syngenta successful in informing the respondents… SuccessfulNot S. -about its 3 Seed Brands: NK Brand Garst Golden Harvest It is both a seed and chemical company It owns its own biotechnology traits With press releases: 26% want more
18 Summary The respondents’ felt Syngenta has…SuccessfulNot S. Good awareness of readers/listeners Less awareness compared to others Representatives that are responsive Reps. that provide relevant information
19 Answer to Research Question Has communication by Syngenta been successful in informing the agricultural media about the Syngenta Seeds business? Yes, with a few exceptions.
20 Recommendations for future communication 1. Advertising, marketing and public relations should continue to emphasize the 3 Syngenta brands. 2. Communications department should send out press releases of relevant Syngenta news and events on a regular basis to the agricultural media. 3. Internal communications should convey to Syngenta representatives The high satisfaction rating from this survey The importance of keeping up the good work
21 Questions Answered Syngenta Seeds and the Agricultural Media