Speeding up Exponentiation using an Untrusted Computational Resource (Part 1) Author: M. Van Dijk, D. Clarke, B. Gassend, G.E. Suh and S. Devadas Source: Designs, Codes and Cryptography (IF:0.825), 39, ,2006. (7 citations) Presenter: Yu-Chi Chen
Outline Introduction and model The protocols Conclusions 2
Introduction spiderman Compute g x rely HTC Desire HD rely Server Untrusted Computational Resource 3
Introduction Compute g x HTC Desire HD rely Server Untrusted Computational Resource Correctness-checking and get g x 4
Model Tim: – a trusted device – wants to solve a problem P. – relies on a more powerful device to solve. Ursula: – a powerful device – possibly untrusted. 5
Model Requirements and properties: – Efficiency: Relying on Ursula is better than Tim’s computing directly. – Completeness: Tim can obtain the correct solution from Ursula’s help. – Soundness: Tim must be with sufficiently high probability to get the correct solution and detect that Ursula is being dishonest. 6
Model A method is desirable to hide problem P or parts of P for Ursula. Assumption: – Tim can perform Off-line tasks, when Ursula is doing something. – The off-line tasks only perform less or simple computations. – Communication bandwidth is good. 7
Model We only consider the computation cost (not the communication cost). This kind of methods is not applied in smartcards, because of no off-line task. 8
Outline Introduction and model The protocols Conclusions 9
Fixed Base-Variable Exponent Exponentiation (FBVE) Assume the cyclic group G and the factorization of the order of the cyclic group n are known. Set the security parameter s (s ≤ n) and the derived parameters w s and q s (n=w s q s, w s ≤ s, q s > s). Notice w s increases as s increases. 10
FBVE (In the paper) assume Ursula may know the inputs g and a and parameters Maybe it is just a case which does not affect the proposed protocol, since Ursula only know the base g in the protocol. 11
FBVE protocol 12 g, e, em+r x, y This protocol is done.
13 g, e, em+r x, y Pre-compute
Performance analysis Tim’s online cost: 14
Outline Introduction and model The protocols Conclusions 15