Outline:1/31/07 n n Turn in Research Symposium Seminar reports – to me n n Exam 1 – two weeks from Friday… n Today: Start Chapter 15: Kinetics Kinetics & Reaction mechanisms
Chapters 6 and 14 introduced Thermodynamics: heat, work, energy, 1 st, 2 nd laws, state vs. path variables, spontaneity, etc. as related to chemical reactions…. Chapter 15 introduces: l the rate of reactions (kinetics) l the mechanisms of reactions These two concepts are closely related on a molecular level!
Is the rate of a reaction important? e.g. airbags…. Both rate of reaction and mechanism are vital to understanding this problem! Is the exact mechanism important? e.g. Ozone destruction (i) O 3 + Cl O 2 + ClO (ii) O + ClO O 2 + Cl O 3 + O 2 O 2
CFC + ultraviolet light free Cl atoms h
Speed of a reaction is measured by the change in concentration with time. For a reaction A B Reaction Rates
Consider: C 4 H 9 Cl (aq) + H 2 O (l) C 4 H 9 OH (aq) + HCl (aq) Most useful units for this rate = molarity/time. (Since volume is constant, molarity and moles are directly proportional.) Reaction Rates
The average rate decreases with time?
How do we get a useful number? Plot [C 4 H 9 Cl] versus time: The rate at any instant in time (instantaneous rate) is the slope of the tangent to the curve. Instantaneous rate is different from average rate. Reaction Rates
All reaction “rates” slow down when viewed this way…
n What is the “rate” of a reaction? = the number of reactions/unit time = the number of reactions/unit time Why does the reaction slow down? n Go back to a molecular picture…
Answer: Per molecule it doesn’t !!! 6/12 = 50%3/6 = 50% (For some reactions…)
In general: rates decrease as concentrations decrease... there are stoichiometric factors… For a reaction (in general): aA + bB cC + dD Reaction Rates (if rate is not specified for a particular substance!)
For example: NH 4 + (aq) + NO 2 (aq) N 2(g) + 2H 2 O (l) Concentration and Rate
For the reaction NH 4 + (aq) + NO 2 - (aq) N 2 (g) + 2H 2 O(l) –as [NH 4 + ] doubles, the rate doubles... –as [NO 2 - ] doubles, the rate doubles... –rate [NH 4 + ][NO 2 - ]. Rate law: The constant k is the rate constant. Concentration and Rate
Rate = k [A] x [B] y where: k is the rate constant [A],[B] are the concentrations of A,B x,y exponents are the reaction “order” Rate Laws
For a general reaction with rate law the reaction is mth order in reactant 1 and nth order in reactant 2. The overall order of reaction is m + n A reaction can be zeroth order if m, n, are zero. Note the values of the exponents (orders) have to be determined experimentally. They are not simply related to stoichiometry.
A reaction is zero order in a reactant if the change in concentration of that reactant produces no effect. A reaction is first order if doubling the concentration causes the rate to double. A reaction is nth order if doubling the concentration causes an 2 n increase in rate. Note that the rate constant (k) does not depend on concentration.
Examples of reaction order: n n 1 st order: x = 1 or y = 1 e.g. Rate = k [A] n n 2 nd order: x = 2 or y = 2 or (x = 1, y = 1) e.g. Rate = k[A] 2 or Rate = k[A][B] n n 3 rd order: x = 3 or (x = 2, y = 1) etc. e.g. Rate = k[A] 3 or Rate = k[A] 2 [B]
Determining the Reaction Rate: Two proposed mechanisms for 2 NO 2 2 NO + O 2 A) step 1: NO 2 NO + O (slow) step 2: NO 2 + O NO + O 2 (fast) B) step 1: 2 NO 2 NO 3 + NO (slow) step 2: NO 3 NO + O 2 (fast) Which is correct???
Determining the Reaction Rate: Two proposed mechanisms for 2 NO 2 2 NO + O 2 A) step 1: NO 2 NO + O (slow) step 2: NO 2 + O NO + O 2 (fast) B) step 1: 2 NO 2 NO 3 + NO (slow) step 2: NO 3 NO + O 2 (fast) Unimolecular, so Rate = k[NO 2 ]Bimolecular, so Rate = k[NO 2 ] 2
Kinetics tells us about the mechanism! M/s Rate = k [NO 2 ] x 0.20 M/s = k [4.1] x 0.08 M/s = k [2.5] x 2.5 = [1.6] x x = 2
B) step 1: 2 NO 2 NO 3 + NO (slow) step 2: NO 3 NO + O 2 (fast) Bimolecular, so Rate = k[NO 2 ] 2 Determining the Reaction Rate: Find the rate limiting step and use the reactant(s) and coefficient(s) in the rate law.
Rate = k [NO 2 ] 2 Rate-determining step
The rate equation cannot be predicted, it can only be measured empirically. Bottom line: Rate Law is related to the mechanism of the rate-determining step!
The rate equation cannot be predicted, it can only be measured empirically. n n Calculate k from initial rates n n Use the integrated form of the rate eqn. to solve for concentration (Section 15.4) There are two forms to know: First order: ln[A] = ln[A] o k t Second order: 1/[A] = 1/[A] o k t
k Can use data to find k and reaction order How do you find the reaction order?
Plot both…. ln[A] = ln[A] o k t 1/[A] = 1/[A] o k t Only one will be truly linear…. Rate = k [NO 2 ] 2 slope