2014 Annual Report
OUR 2015 LOCAL IMPACT 119,544 15 2,864 Total Youth Served 560
Chartered Units School Sites Stand-Alone Sites Oakwood Westview Terrace Southside Gardens Lowell Community Center Elyria Community Center Wilkes Villa Teen Center Oberlin Lorain High School Annex Middle School General Johnnie Wilson Longfellow Middle School Admiral King Elementary Frank Jacinto Elementary Larkmoor Elementary We Are Programming at 2 Additional Lorain Elementary Schools Garfield Elementary Washington Elementary
Membership: By Gender 2013 2014 Total Members:1787 Girls: 876 Boys: 911 Total Members: 2247 Girls: 1077 Boys: 1170
2014 Member Demographics
Member Ethnicity Breakdown # of Youth % of Total American Indian/Alaska Native 3 0.13% Asian 8 0.36% Black or African American 942 41.92% Hispanic or Latino 555 24.70% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.00% White 369 16.42% Other 24 1.07% Multi-Racial 260 11.57% Don't Know 26 1.16%
Member Breakdown: Age 5 Years and Under: 39 6 Year Olds: 133
NYOI Review National Survey of BGC Members Administered Yearly in March Ages 9-18 Confidential Sample Survey Available to Parents, Parental Permission Must Be Granted Web Based English and Spanish
NYOI 2014 Results: Club Experience How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Overall Club Experience: Total Responses % Total Responses National % Room to Grow 68 24% 32% Doing Fine 112 39% 33% Doing Great 105 37% 35%
NYOI 2014 Results: Club Experience How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Sense of Belonging: Total Responses % Total Responses National % Room to Grow 33 12% 15% Doing Fine 116 42% 45% Doing Great 129 46% 41%
NYOI 2014 Results: Club Experience How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Emotional Safety: Total Responses % Total Responses National % Room to Grow 39 14% 17% Doing Fine 108 40% 43% Doing Great 122 45%
NYOI 2014 Results: Club Experience How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Physical Safety: Total Responses % Total Responses National % Room to Grow 92 33% 35% Doing Fine 15 5% 11% Doing Great 176 62% 54%
NYOI 2014 Results: Club Experience How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Fun: Total Responses % Total Responses National % Room to Grow 41 15% 18% Doing Fine 88 31% 33% Doing Great 153 54% 49%
NYOI 2014 Results: Club Experience How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Staff Expectations: Total Responses % Total Responses National % Room to Grow 13 5% 7% Doing Fine 48 17% 25% Doing Great 214 78% 68%
NYOI 2014 Results: Club Experience How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Recognition: Total Responses % Total Responses National % Room to Grow 54 19% 25% Doing Fine Doing Great 172 61% 50%
NYOI 2014 Results: Academics How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation On Grade Level for Age: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % On Grade Level 267 96% 93% 90% Not On Grade Level 12 4% 7% 10%
NYOI 2014 Results: Academics How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Highest Level of Expected Schooling: YOUTH Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Grade 8 5 2% 4% 5% Some high school High school 12 6% 7% 8% College 193 90% 87% 86%
NYOI 2014 Results: Academics How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Highest Level of Expected Schooling: TEEN Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Some high school 3 5% 3% High school graduation 5 8% 10% Finished vocational or trade school 1 2% 1 or 2 years of college 10 15% 14% 4-year college degree 23 35% 34% 30% Masters degree, Ph.D, M.D., or equivalent 37% 38%
NYOI 2014 Results: Academics How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Grades (Self Reported): Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Mostly A's 125 44% 42% 40% Mostly B's 98 35% 39% 36% Mostly C's 37 13% 15% 18% Mostly D's 12 4% 3% Mostly F's 9 2%
NYOI 2014 Results: Academics How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Perceived Importance of School Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Very important 185 67% 59% 62% Important 51 18% 25% 22% In the middle 27 10% 12% Not that important 6 2% Not important at all 8 3% 1%
NYOI 2014 Results: Academics How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation School Days Skipped (Self Reported): Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % None 215 78% 73% 69% 1 day 20 7% 9% 2 days 13 5% 6% 3 days 9 3% 4-5 days 8 4% 6-10 days 3 1% 2% 11 or more days
NYOI 2014 Results: Character How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Teen Volunteering: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Never 19 29% 31% 32% About once a year 16 25% 23% 24% About once a month 12 18% 20% 19% About once every two weeks 9 14% 10% 9% About once a week or more 16%
NYOI 2014 Results: Character How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Participation in Club-Based Service Serve Food, Clean Club, Lead an Activity, Help Another Student with Homework, Volunteering to Work Events, etc. Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Never 53 19% 28% 26% About once a year 36 13% 15% 16% About once a month 31 11% 17% About once every two weeks 52 14% About once a week or more 100 37% 27% 29%
NYOI 2014 Results: Character How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Civic Responsibility: Concern For Others Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Room to Grow 38 18% 21% 24% Doing Fine 76 37% 39% 38% Doing Great 92 45% 40%
NYOI 2014 Results: Character How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Civic Responsibility: Concern For Community Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Room to Grow 21 10% 12% 11% Doing Fine 109 54% Doing Great 71 35% 34%
NYOI 2014 Results: Character How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Fighting: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Fights 21 31% 33% 41% No Fights 46 69% 67% 59%
NYOI 2014 Results: Character How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Arrest History in Past 12 Months: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Never 55 87% 91% 82% Once 4 6% 7% 12% Two or more times 3%
NYOI 2014 Results: Character How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Conflict Resolution Skills: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Room to Grow 118 43% 44% 56% Doing Fine 86 31% 33% 28% Doing Great 70 26% 22% 16%
NYOI 2014 Results: Healthy Lifestyles How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Physical Activity 5+ Days Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Recommended Levels 161 59% 63% 60% Not Recommended Levels 113 41% 37% 40%
NYOI 2014 Results: Healthy Lifestyles How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Drinking: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Abstained 50 91% 89% Did Not Abstain 5 9% 11%
NYOI 2014 Results: Healthy Lifestyles How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Cigarette Smoking: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Abstained 61 98% 95% 96% Did Not Abstain 1 2% 5% 4%
NYOI 2014 Results: Healthy Lifestyles How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Marijuana Use: Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Abstained 52 88% 91% Did Not Abstain 7 12% 9%
NYOI 2014 Results: Healthy Lifestyles How We Compare to Rest of BGC Nation Number of Fruits Per Day Number of Vegetables Per Day Number of Soda Pops Per Day Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Less than 2 85 32% 33% 2 or more 180 68% 67% Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % Less than 3 160 61% 59% 3 or more 101 39% 41% Total Responses % Total Responses National % State % 0 times 93 35% 40% 31% 1 time 68 26% 24% 23% 2 times 35 13% 15% 3 times 24 9% 7% 4 times 8 3% 4% 5% 5 or more times 12% 16%
BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF LORAIN COUNTY Executive Director United Way YES Zone Director Accountant Accounting Assistant Executive Office Manager HR Assistant Teen Program and Athletic Director Mentors/Tutors Directors of Teen Programming Outcomes Coordinator Area Director (Elyria and Oberlin) Elyria Unit Directors Support Staff Oberlin Unit Director Food Program Director Head Chef Assistant Chef Education Director 21st Century Unit Directors SPARK Program Manager SPARK Tutors Resource Development Director Grant Writer BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF LORAIN COUNTY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART
Dynamic Growth in Staffing 81 # of Employees 24 December 31, 2014 January 1, 2004 2014 Program Report slide 37
Staffing Demographics
Staffing & Volunteer Breakdown Total Full-Time Staff: 31 Total Part-Time Staff: 50 Program Volunteers: 45 Other Adult Volunteers: 50
BGCLC Financials Total Assets: $3,229,984.68 Total Income: $2,821,327.22 Total Expenses: $2,587,807.45
What They Think What parents think… “With the Boys & Girls Club, I have always felt that my daughter has been in caring hands that both support her and help her grow in positive ways.” “The Club has helped my kids experience things that I would not have been able to provide” “I think my kids have matured and learned to handle themselves in diverse situations.” 2013 Program Report slide 41
What They Think What kids think… “My life has been changed by the Club because I am more respectful now to others” – Age 10, boy “I have gotten a lot smarter and learned what’s not okay and what’s okay.” – Age 8, boy “The Club means everything to me… The staff and helpers are the nicest people in the world. If they weren’t here, this Club would not be as great as it is now” – Age 12, girl 2013 Program Report slide 42