- Recommendations status - PRR Review report: actions - Conclusion EUSO-BALLOON DESIGN REVIEW, , CNES TOULOUSE Guillaume Prévôt APC, Paris Status on PRR recommendations and actions
Recommendations 3 recommendations: - Project organization - First flight as soon as possible - Schedule control Project organization “ Defining the CNES organization, introducing an electrical architect, identifying all the activities relative to the harness, clarify the participations to the AIT, the instrument GSE responsibilities.” -Action 1.1: The team has provided the updated organization. -Action 1.2: The team has provided the updated development plan to CNES. CDR – Status on PRR actions2
Recommendations First flight as soon as possible “In consequence, the review panel supports the Euso-Balloon Project in its demand to obtain the first flight as soon as possible considering the project schedule and the opportunities of the CNES Balloon campaigns. A first launch before mid 2014 is recommended.” Schedule control “In consequence, the review panel supports the Euso-Balloon Project in its demand to obtain the first flight as soon as possible considering the project schedule and the opportunities of the CNES Balloon campaigns. A first launch before mid 2014 is recommended.” -Action 3.1.1: The 3 laboratories have done a proposition for a new project manager and it has been accepted by CNES. -Action 3.4.1: The team has provided the updated instrument planning to CNES. CDR – Status on PRR actions3
PRR Review report: actions 41 actions have been taken with answers from the project team expected for the design review. - Updates of: - The Technical Specifications document (EUSO-TS-INST-206-LAL_V2.0) - The Instrument Definition document (EUSO-DF-INST-204-LAL_V2.0) - The Organization Note (EUSO-ON-INST-201-LAL_V2_6) - The Compliance Matrix (EUSO-PA-INST-203-LAL_V2.0) - The Risk Analysis document (EUSO-RI-INST-404-IRAP V1.1) - The Development Plan (EUSO-DP-INST-207-LAL_V2.0) - Writing of: - A Thermal Analysis document (EUSO-TA-INST-409-IRAP V1.0) - A Mission Analysis document (CNES) -ICD documentation (EUSO-IC-INST-407-IRAP_V1.0 (electronics) and EUSO-MI-INST-408-IRAP_V1.0 (mechanics)) -A AIT Plan document (EUSO-AI-INST-251-LAL_V1.0) -A calibration Note (EUSO-CN-INST-003-APC_V1.0) CDR – Status on PRR actions4
PRR Review report: actions 39 actions have been closed by the team. 2 actions are open (about cleanliness strain). -FB-14 and OLM-14 are open and they will be dealt with on a specific note delivered at the AIT Key Point. CDR – Status on PRR actions5