CEO MAGC Training: CARING & RESPECT (December/January) Friday, November 19, Enrichment Materials and Inspiration: Anti-Defamation League’s “A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE ® Institute” (
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Have you ever felt restricted in your actions because of your gender or age?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On sexism & ageism… According to the U.S. Department of Labor's Women Bureau, women are paid 76 cents for every dollar that men make.
December/January: CARING & RESPECT According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute: Teen pregnancies account for about 25% of all accidental pregnancies annually. One in 5 women (19%) obtaining abortions are teens. So, adult women and their partners are responsible for 75% of accidental pregnancies and 81% of the abortions. Then, why do teens get such severe moral criticism from adults? On sexism & ageism…
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Have you ever felt your house, clothes, lifestyle or personal belongings were less than others’?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On classism… Poor kids feel lonely at school, are chastised by the other kids, and are treated differently by the teachers. Poor kids have limits to their present and future prospects for success. They know this, and it adversely affects their self- confidence. They grow up without any hope. Hopelessness is a lack of power. This lack of power is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Kids get beaten down, and after a while they just give up trying. (
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Have you ever felt excluded while with friends?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On feeling excluded… The statistics show that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among those 15 to 25 years of age and the 6th leading cause of death among those 5 to 14 years of age. The #1 CAUSE OF SUICIDE: UNTREATED DEPRESSION. (
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Have you ever felt pressured to look or behave a certain way to fit in?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On peer pressure… Peer pressure can lead to smoking, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, suicide, and other destructive behaviors. Teens who use drugs are 5 times more likely to have sex than are those teens who don’t. Teens who have used marijuana are 4 times more likely to have been pregnant or to have gotten someone pregnant than teens who have never smoked pot. More than 1/3 of sexually active teens and young adults report that alcohol or drug use has influenced a decision to do something sexual. (CASA, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)).
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Do you know the true sexual orientation of your friends?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On sexual orientation… We live in a heterocentric society (one that assumes that everyone is straight). 5.5% of students (average age about 16 years, Grades ) are "sexual minority youth" defined on the basis of acknowledged identification as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and/or reporting to have engaged in same- sex sexual activity. In the past 12 months, 29% of them are reported to have attempted suicide, compared to 7% of other students. ( and
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Do you know the power of words? Do you know the power of words?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On the power of our words… Assembly Bill 537, the California Student Safety and Violence Prevention Act of 2000, changed California's Education Code by adding actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity to the existing nondiscrimination policy. (
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On the power of our words… The state defines "gender" as "a person's actual sex or perceived sex and includes a person's perceived identity, appearance or behavior, whether or not that identity, appearance, or behavior is different from that traditionally associated with a person's sex at birth.“ (
December/January: CARING & RESPECT On the power of our words… The nondiscrimination policy also prohibits harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical disability. BE RESPECTFUL! IT’S THE LAW! (
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Have you ever regretted saying or doing anything hurtful?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT What is “Bullying”? Verbal harassment including (direct or indirect) threats, jeering, and name-calling Active rejection, ostracizing, promoting an in/out group Vandalism of personal property Physical abuse including shoving, kicking, and punching Blackmail, strong-arming
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Bullying We say a student is BEING BULLIED when another student, or group of students, say or do nasty things to him or her. It is also BULLYING when a student is teased repeatedly in a way he or she does not like. It is NOT BULLYING when two students of the same strength quarrel or fight.
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Extent of the Problem Most research indicated that 10%-15% of kids are bullied on a regular basis. Some estimate that 75% of adolescents nationally have been bullied at some time in school. According to the Parents’ Resource Institute for Drug Education (PRIDE), 40% of youngsters in grade 6-12 have threatened to hurt another student at school.
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Research on Bullying In 1999, over 12% of students ages reported that someone at school had used hate-related* words against them in the prior 6 months. About 36% saw hate-related* graffiti at school. Incidence consistent across urban, suburban, and rural households *Hate-related = derogatory reference to race/ethnicity, religion, disability, gender, or sexual orientation. U.S. Department of Justice “Indicators of School Crime and Safety,” October 2000, p. 34
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Targets In a recent survey by NMHA, students were asked who they believed suffered continual harassment: students with disabilities students who are overweight students who dress differently students who are perceived to be gay National Mental Health Association, 2002 Survey
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Long-Term Damage to Bullies Children who are chronic bullies seem to remain bullies as adults. Bullies identified by age 8 are six times more likely than non-bullies to be convicted of a crime by the time they reach age 24 five times more likely to end up with serious criminal records by age 30 National Resource Center for Safe Schools (NRCSS)
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Definitions BIAS = a feeling PREJUDICE/STEREOTYPE = feeling + thought DISCRIMINATION = feeling + thought + action Anti-Defamation League “A World of Difference” Institute
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Definitions A personal manifestation of prejudice is an individual act of meanness or exclusion. An institutional manifestation of prejudice or discrimination is supported by power of authority that benefits some and disadvantages others. Discrimination is NOT always intentional. Anti-Defamation League “A World of Difference” Institute
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Issues and Solutions What are some examples of LACK of CARING or RESPECT on campus?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Issues and Solutions How can we, as students, respond to these issues and make CARING and RESPECT a priority at Oxford?
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Issues and Solutions To begin to identify the areas that need improvement, let’s focus on behaviors at school-oriented special events:
December/January: CARING & RESPECT Issues and Solutions: Special Events Cluster Cluster Enrichment Enrichment Lunch-time Lunch-time In class In class During a passing period During a passing period Orchestra/Choir rehearsals Orchestra/Choir rehearsals Club meetings & events Club meetings & events Sports practices/games Sports practices/games School dances School dances After school After school In your neighborhood In your neighborhood