Political Philosophies and the Political Spectrum Activity
Learning Target: Students will be able to explain the political spectrum and the political philosophies associated with the spectrum by using historical and modern day people and issues as examples. Students will be able to describe how political philosophies can divide a society. (what was happening in the 20’s and 30’s in Europe)
Reactionary/Fascism Favors extreme change to restore society to an earlier, more conservative state.
Conservative Seeks to keep in place the economic, political, and social structures of society. Emphasize law and order and are protective of the status quo. Traditional and sometimes restricting. Laissez Faire, limited government, strong military response.
Moderate Holds beliefs that fall between liberal and conservative, usually including some of both.
Liberal Believes that the government must take action to change economic, political, and ideological policies thought to be unfair. Individual Rights and freedom are emphasized. Government intervention. Negotiation.
Radical/Communism Favors Extreme change and wants to create an altered or entirely new social system.
Question to Ponder???? How can different political philosophies (views) create conflict in society? How did differing political philosophies create conflict in Europe in between the wars? (Swing Kids)
Where do YOU Stand Take the Where do You Stand test When completed, total your score
Exit slip On the bottom of the Where do you Stand test describe which one of the 5 political philosophies best describes you and tell why?
Political Spectrum Started with the French Revolution People that sat on the right-side of the Estates General that supported King Louis XVI and Queen Mare Antoinette-no change People that sat on the left-side of the Estates General wanted sweeping changes and an entirely new French society
Activity Define your person, group, or issue and describe why it is an example of 1 of the 5 ideologies. Place it on the political spectrum and tell why you placed it there.
Benito Mussolini Who is he? Fascist Leader of Italy Political Philosophy Reactionary/Fascist-1 Totalitarian Leader-wanted to restore Italy to greatness
Adolf Hitler Who is he? Fascist leader of Germany Political Philosophy Reactionary/Fascist-1 Totalitarian Leader-wanted to restore Germany to greatness Single party, terror and fear
Joseph Stalin Who is he? “Communist” Leader of the Soviet Union Political Philosophy Radical/Communism???? 5-in theory. How he practiced communism was different. He was a communist in name only. Totalitarian Leader-Single party, terror and fear Karl Marx was a true left-wing, communist
Question How did Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin’s political philosophies create conflict in Europe and their own country in between the wars?
Barack Obama Who is he? President of the US Political Philosophy Moderate-Liberal-4 Universal Healthcare, pro-choice
Al Qaeda Who are they? Militant Islamic organization founded by Osama Bin Laden Political Philosophy Reactionary-Create a greater Islamic state-1 suicide attacks Bombings 911
Isis Who are they? Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Political Philosophy Reactionary-Create a greater Islamic state-1 Want to establish an Islamic state that encompasses all Sunni Muslims Shiite Muslims too liberal
How are Al Qaeda and ISIS different? ISIS is fighting more conventionally-assault rifles, grenades Al Qaeda-focus on carrying out spectacular global attacks-9/11, Westgate Mall in Kenya ISIS more brutal and centralized than Al Qaeda ISIS more popular with young Muslim extremist-more followers than Al Qaeda
Question How do these political groups create conflict today?
Supportive of same sex marriage Political Philosophy Liberal-4 Why? Individual Rights and Freedom
All states should legalized marijuana and you should be able to grow it and sell it in your own home Political Philosophy Radical-5 Why? Extreme change
LGBT people should not be able to openly serve in the military Political Philosophy Conservative Why? Traditional and restricting
Question How do these issues create conflict in society today?
The government should fix the problems of society and spend money on Welfare Programs Political Philosophy Liberal-4 Why? Unfair policies fixed
The government should provide healthcare for all citizens of their country Political Philosophy Liberal-4 Why? Unfair policies fixed
The government’s intervention in societal problems should be limited Political Philosophy Conservative-2 Why? Laissez Faire
Question How do these issues create conflict in society today?
United States should intervene in Afghanistan Political Philosophy Conservative-2 Why? Strong Military Response
US government should negotiate with the Iraqi government Political Philosophy Liberal-4 Why? Negotiation/Diplomacy
The United States should have a strong military response in the Middle East Political Philosophy Conservative-2 Why? Strong Military Response
Question How do these issues create conflict in society today?
Lady Gaga Who is she?- singer/songwriter Discussion Liberal-Radical?????
Steve Jobs Who is he?-CEO of Apple Discussion
Kanye West Who he is? recording artist, songwriter, record producer, director, entrepreneur, and fashion designer Discussion
Question How do these people create conflict in society today?
Line-up Lowest to highest scores more liberal more conservative
Exit Slip Using what you have seen in Swing Kids thus far and this activity, how can political philosophies divide a country? After completing this activity, do you still agree with your original political philosophy? Why or why not? Was your quiz score an accurate assessment of your political philosophy?