Literacy This term, year 5/6 will be refreshing writing by using Roz Wilson’s ‘Flying Start.’ This ensures all children know what is required to be excellent, high level writers. We will also be embarking on Pie Corbett ‘Transforming Writing’ focusing on Science Fiction texts, poetry and biographies to link with our quest. Maths We will be concentrating on: Place value and ordering numbers Area and perimeter Shapes and angles Mental and written multiplication and division Fractions, percentages, ratio and proportion Data handling All of these will have a daily problem solving element set in a real life context. Times tables will form a crucial part of each week with the opportunity to win an Olympic medal at the ceremony in December. Parents are invited to take part as well (more details to follow). There will be a joint Literacy and Maths workshop for parents with the aim of sharing the latest terminology and teaching methods (date to follow). ‘To Infinity and Beyond’ Theme Focus – To ‘Infinity and Beyond’ To ‘Infinity and Beyond’ is a brand new quest for Team 5/6. At the centre of the learning journey is Stoberry’s first ever trip to London, specifically the Science Museum where a ‘Space Day’ workshop will inspire and inform our learning. We will look at Earth, Sun and Moon including a star gazing night. The children will investigate whether there has ever been life on another planet, also what it would be like to live there today. Science fiction texts, and biographies of Neil Armstrong will add a Literacy angle. Hold on tight! Arts Focusing on Impressionism, we will study Cezanne and look at how the style progressed. We’ll also conduct an in-depth study of Van Gogh and ‘starry, starry night.’ Humanities A look at Mars and the Moon – is there life out there? Which is the best planet in our solar system to live on? What would a settlement on the moon be like? Also research the water cycle, comparing local rivers with the longest river in the world. Not forgetting a study of the moon and potential water/rivers. Scientists With a focus on Earth, Sun and Moon. To include a trip to the London Science museum with a ‘Space Day’ workshop. Follow up star gazing and astronomy Inspire night at school with parents. Also, looking at changing state with reversible and irreversible changes. This will be linked with the life on Mars aspect of our quest. AUTUMN 1, 2013 Year 5 and 6 General Information Home learning – homework is given out on a Friday and expected in on Wednesday Important dates: London trip – Tuesday 24 th September Y6 French trip – w/c Monday 14 th October Y5 Apprentice week – w/c Monday 14 th October Last day of half term – Wednesday 23 rd October Inspire Evening – Friday 8 th November (dependent on weather) Musicians A study of Holst and his work on the planets. Children to create own planet based music inspired by Holst. Personal Development We are trying to encourage imagination and questioning of our place in the world and the wider universe! To enable progress, it is important that we create and foster independent learning. We are asking for your support and assistance at home!