Extract the Facts, Jack! SSUSH 6 http://www.hearnet.com/images_site/jack_black-teachin.jpg SSUSH 6
SSUSH 6 – The student will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation. a. Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states. b. Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark. c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the development of a national identity. d. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the development of the nation’s infrastructure. e. Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.
How did the Northwest Ordinance lead to the creation of new states? SSUSH 6a How did the Northwest Ordinance lead to the creation of new states? http://mrkash.com/activities/northwest.html http://www.earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/maps/northwest/enlargement.html -- background information: The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 allowed for the creation of as many as five states in the northwest portion of the Ohio Valley on lines originally laid out in 1784 by Thomas Jefferson. Known as The Northwest Territory, the new federal lands were east of the Mississippi, and between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes. The ordinance defined the boundaries of the states, excluded slavery and required that 60,000 inhabitants be present for statehood. Major General Arthur St. Clair was appointed its first Governor.
SSUSH 6a How did the Northwest Ordinance lead to the creation of new states? A. It allowed the United States to seize lands from Canada and divide them into states. B. It granted the U.S. military the power to create states west of the Mississippi River. C. It allowed western territories to apply for statehood once they reached a certain size. D. It established Illinois and Michigan as free states to balance the number of slave states. The Northwest Ordinance allowed western territories to apply for statehood once they reached a certain size. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/Northwest-territory-usa-1787.png
SSUSH 6 – The student will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation. a. Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states. b. Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark. c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the development of a national identity. d. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the development of the nation’s infrastructure. e. Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.
What was the importance of the Lewis and Clark expedition? SSUSH 6b What was the importance of the Lewis and Clark expedition? Lewis & Clark mural by Frank H. Schwarz, 1937 Wikipedia – public domain
SSUSH 6b What was the importance of the Lewis and Clark expedition? A. It dismissed the idea of a water route to the Pacific Ocean. B. It established treaties with native American groups. C. It provided boundaries for future western states. D. It provided valuable information on western lands. The Lewis and Clark expedition provided valuable information on western lands. http://libtextcenter.unl.edu/examples/servlet/transform/tamino/Library/lewisandclarkjournals?&_xmlsrc=http://libtextcenter.unl.edu/lewisandclark/files/xml/img_1806-02-12.01.xml&_xslsrc=http://libtextcenter.unl.edu/lewisandclark/LCstyles.xsl http://www.time.com/time/2002/lewis_clark/journal/flora5.html White Salmon Trout Evergreen Shrub Leaf Bison Evergreen
SSUSH 6 – The student will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation. a. Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states. b. Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark. c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the development of a national identity. d. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the development of the nation’s infrastructure. e. Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.
SSUSH 6c What was the foremost reason for the War of 1812?
SSUSH 6c What was the foremost reason for the War of 1812? A. the quest for westward expansion beyond the Mississippi River B. the establishment of a representative government in America C. the French fur trade in Canada and in western United States D. the British policy of searching American ships and impressment of sailors The foremost reason for the War of 1812 was the British policy of searching American ships and the impressment of sailors. http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/images/h63000/h63179k.jpg American captain of USS Chesapeake would not let British board and search his ship. British ship, HMS Leopard, opened fire killing 3 Americans and wounding 18. USS Chesapeake
SSUSH 6 – The student will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation. a. Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states. b. Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark. c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the development of a national identity. d. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the development of the nation’s infrastructure. e. Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.
The Erie Canal was significant for early America because it SSUSH 6d The Erie Canal was significant for early America because it McGraw text illustration http://faculty.umf.maine.edu/~walters/web%20103/outline%2011%20umf%20103_06.htm -- background information: Erie completed in 1825, 363 miles, financed primarily by the state of NY. Canal transport from Buffalo to Albany dropped costs from $90 to $8 per ton. In 1815 there were virtually no canals, by 1840 there were 3,300 miles of operating canals. The Erie was fabulously successful, and NYC quickly passed Philadelphia as the largest city in the country, but few other canals made profits.
SSUSH 6d The Erie Canal was significant for early America because it A. provided vital irrigation for the farmlands in the northern territories. B. aided the rebels in transporting supplies and troops during the revolution. C. connected New York’s ports to the western interior for increased commerce. D. allowed ships to travel from the northern states to southern states quickly. The Erie Canal was significant for early America because it connected New York’s ports to the western interior for increased commerce. http://www.iment.com/maida/map/historyimages/eriecanalpostcard300.jpg http://mason.gmu.edu/~bhuggins/erie.jpeg
SSUSH 6 – The student will analyze the nature of territorial and population growth and the impact of this growth in the early decades of the new nation. a. Explain the Northwest Ordinance’s importance in the westward migration of Americans, and on slavery, public education, and the addition of new states. b. Describe Jefferson’s diplomacy in obtaining the Louisiana Purchase from France and the territory’s exploration by Lewis and Clark. c. Explain major reasons for the War of 1812 and the war’s significance on the development of a national identity. d. Describe the construction of the Erie Canal, the rise of New York City, and the development of the nation’s infrastructure. e. Describe the reasons for and importance of the Monroe Doctrine.
The Monroe Doctrine was important to American history because it SSUSH 6e The Monroe Doctrine was important to American history because it President James Monroe presented the Monroe Doctrine to Congress on December 2, 1823. The doctrine announced that the United States would not allow European nations to establish new colonies in the Americas or to interfere with the internal affairs of independent nations in the western hemisphere.
SSUSH 6e The Monroe Doctrine was important to American history because it A. expressed America’s willingness to intervene in the internal conflicts of Europe. B. directly opposed further European colonization anywhere in the world. C. showed that the United States would protect the Americas as a sphere of influence. D. accepted Spanish and French expansion in the Americas in order to form an alliance. The Monroe Doctrine showed that the U.S. would protect the Americas as a sphere of influence. http://www.mexicolore.co.uk/uploadimages/169_02_2.jpg http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/wwww/us/monroedoctrinedef.htm -- background information: Proclamation in 1823 by President James Monroe. Basically, it warned European nations not to get involved in political matters in Central and South America. The Doctrine was intended to show that the United States was the only country that could influence such political matters. Further, several countries in South American had recently undergone revolutions against their European colonial owners and ended up with republican governments. The United States agreed with their political philosophy and did not want to see those newly free nations become European colonies again.
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