The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Presentation Title Goes in Here Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Topic Preliminary Examination of the ETD
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Overview This presentation is designed to give examiners a review of the preliminary thesis examination process within the Repository, what to expect and answer a few common questions along the way.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies How Will I Retrieve the ETD for Review? The ETD repository provides structural oversight for the preliminary evaluation of theses or dissertations. Research stored within the repository is maintained in a.PDF formatted document type. All examiners are invited to access the ETD in.PDF format review the work in a form that best meets their needs.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies How Do I Submit My Preliminary Evaluation? Your preliminary evaluation and judgment are collected online via the ETD Repository. When Do I Begin the Process? All examiners will receive an invitation to begin the preliminary evaluation process. This communication will contain instruction on how to access the ETD Repository.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough First Steps All examiners will be invited to begin the preliminary evaluation via an from SGPS. This contains a direct link to access the Repository and the ETD itself.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Log In If you have previously used you may log in. If you are a new user, you are required to create an account.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Create Your Account Please complete the form and submit the information to open an account* with *SGPS recommends you create an account using your existing Western Computer Account information (login and password)
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Confirm Start of Review Examiners will be presented with the invitation to commence review of the thesis/dissertation and alerted to the due date of their preliminary review.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Retrieve the ETD After accepting the invitation to commence the review, examiners are welcomed to access the.PDF version of the ETD.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Submitting Your Review In order to begin submission of a review, the examiner selects the Submit Review option.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Submitting Your Review Reports may be submitted as plain text,.PDF,.DOC or.RTF files. Use the plain text option only if your reports has no special fonts, equations, figures or necessary formatting. Microsoft Word and RTF files will be converted to.PDF files for the candidate‘s convenience, and all identifying references in document properties will be removed. The candidate will see your report exactly as you submit it..DOC or.RTF reports will be converted to.PDF format by the system. All identifying references to you in the "properties" of.PDF file will be removed by the system. Please be sure to remove any identifying references to yourself within your report.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Submitting Your Decision Examiners are asked to conclude a judgment concerning the work: Acceptable following minor revisions Acceptable as is Unacceptable
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Confidential Report If the examiner wishes, they may present a report directed only to the Thesis Coordinator in SGPS. After all elements are complete, the examiner selects “Submit”
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Submission Complete Once the review is submitted, you will receive a confirmation that has processed your report.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Next Steps The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies will collect your review. Once all reviews have been received, the results of that review will be made available to the candidate and the examiners as a whole. An communication will confirm if the submission was judged acceptable by the majority and guide you towards the next step of the examination by confirming the time and location for the Thesis Examination.
The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Preliminary Evaluation of the Thesis - Walkthrough Questions If you have any questions relating to the preliminary examination of a thesis or dissertation, please feel free to contact Krystyna Locke, Thesis Coordinator for The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at The University of Western Ontario. Phone: (519) x83914