Higher Prelim Skills and Techniques Feedback and Target Setting
The week ahead… Complete markers meeting task – peer mark prelim Identify key content – develop scaffolding/structure for each question Self mark prelim Identify Strengths and Development needs Target set to ensure improvement Complete homework task
Markers Meeting
Instructions… 1.In your group peer mark the four POB answers provided using the SQA marking scheme 2.You should all allocate a mark to each question. 3.As a group discuss why you awarded the mark i.e. What were the answers strengths and decide on a group mark for each question Materials required Four POB answers (click here to view)(click here to view) Prelim question paper Marking scheme (click here to view)(click here to view) Marking Table
Key Content Scaffolding – Answer Structure
Question 5 a) Explain what you understand about the Stages of Learning. (2010 Q6a) b)For one Stage of Learning, select a method of practice you used to develop this skill or technique. Explain why this method was appropriate. (2010 Q6b) c)Select two of the following: Motivation Concentration Feedback Discuss the importance of both when carrying out your development programme. (2010 Q6c) d)Having developed this skill or technique, describe the effect that this has had on your whole performance. (2010 Q6d) Question 6 a)Explain what you understand about: Closed Skills; Open Skills (2012 Q5a) b)Give specific details of how your performance of this skill or technique compares to a model performer. (2012 Q5b) c)Explain why motivation and concentration affect the development of this skill or technique. (2012 Q5c) d)Discuss why it is important to monitor your progress while developing your performance. (2012 Q5d) Higher S&T
Instructions… 1.Create a structure for Question 5 (a)–(d) 2.You may use the marking scheme and answers provided to assist you. You should also use your Prep of the Body class jotter Materials required Prelim question paper Marking scheme (click here to view)(click here to view) Notes Jotter
Explain what you understand about the Stages of Learning. 6 (2010 Q6a)
For one Stage of Learning, select a method of practice you used to develop this skill or technique. Explain why this method was appropriate. (2010 Q6b) 4
Select two of the following: Motivation Concentration Feedback Discuss the importance of both when carrying out your development programme. (2010 Q6c) (6)
Having developed this skill or technique, describe the effect that this has had on your whole performance. (2010 Q6d) (4)
Self Assessment Mark own prelim
Instructions… 1.Review each of your answers 2.In your class jotter write down what mark you would award each answer 3.I will let you know the mark you achieved on completion of this task Materials required Prelim question paper Marking scheme (click here to view)(click here to view) Your own prelim paper
Identify Strengths and Development Needs
Question 5 Strengths and Development Needs Strengths- A) Stages of Skill Learning B) Why method of practice is appropriate to Stage of Skill Learning Areas for Development- C) Explaining the importance of Motivation and Feedback D) Effect of improved overhead clear on overall performance
Target set to ensure improvement
Instructions… 1.Complete Page 1 and Page 3 of your target setting booklet 2.Identify your own strengths and development needs 3.Homework task is to redo all questions you got ½ marks or less in Materials required Target Setting Booklet Your own prelim paper Prelim question paper Marking scheme (click here to view)(click here to view)
Homework Task
Instructions… 1.Homework task is to redo all questions you got ½ marks or less in. 2.Complete in target setting booklet Due: Thursday 14 th February Materials required Target Setting Booklet Prelim question paper Example answer (click here to view)(click here to view) Marking scheme (click here to view)(click here to view)