Adaptive Importance Sampling for Estimation in Structured Domains L.E. Ortiz and L.P. Kaelbling
2 Contents t Notations t Importance Sampling t Adaptive Importance Sampling t Empirical Results
3 Notations t Bayesian network (BN) and influence diagram (ID) (A: decision node, U: utitity node)
4 t Probabilities of interest (O: variables of interest, Z: remaining ones) t Best strategy: The strategy with the highest expected utility. The action ‘a’ maximizing the value associated with the evidence ‘o’ (i.e. the parents of ‘a’). t Importance sampling is needed to calculate the above summations
5 Importance Sampling t quantity of interest: t Z ~ important sampling distribution f(z): t estimation of G : (sampling of w from f) t Cf. Estimation of
6 t BN: likelihood weighting (prior) (likelihood) t ID:
7 t Eg. t G can be calculated by sampling of w’s. t Cf.
8 t Variance of the weights: t Minimum variance importance sampling distributions: (taking a derivitive from above) t The weights have 0 variance in this case(w=G) t f (z) must have “ Fat Tail ”: as for at least one value of Z.
9 Adaptive Importance Sampling t Parameterizing the importance sampling distribution (tabularizing) t Update rules based on gradient descent
10 t Three different forms of gradient minimize variance directly minimize distance between the current sampling distribution and approximate optimal sampling distribution minimize distance between the current sampling distribution and empirical optimal distribution
11 t Minimizing variance: t via approximate optimal distribution:
12 t via parameterized empirical distribution: (, if RHS=0)
13 Remarks t ’s are proportional to square, linear, logarithmic of the weights. t L2 is positive if w/G > 1 (under estimation of g) t The size and sign of are related to under or over estimation of g.
15 Empirical Results t Problem: Calculate V MP(t) (A) for A=2, MP(t)=1 in the computer mouse problem. t Evaluation: by MSE between the true value and the estimation from sampling method. t Var and L2 are better than LW(traditional method) t L2 is more stable than other methods