ETD DTD Based on ETD-ML1.1(Virginia Tech) - convert SGML DTD to XML DTD Added some tags -such as TableOfConetents, ListOfPicture, ListOfTables Added “id” attribute to some tags -such as bibliography, vita
ETD System Structure RDB SQL server 2000 PDF XML convert XML saving (Open xml) Client ETD searching -keywords -fulltext Web/App server (IIS) Search engine -ASP -XPath XML mapping (XDR Schema) http xml/html XSL XML XML server Online batch xml table DTD / XML Schema
Convert PDF to XML -- Adobe “save as xml” Make Accessible (plug-in) Save As XML (plugin) Create tags For ETD Modify tags For ETD Tagged PDF (ETD) Tagged PDF (default) PDF XML (ETD) Mapping table
Method1: Create tags for tagged PDF (ETD)
Method2: make default tagged PDF and modify it to match ETD
The XML output after Save as XML
Convert RTF to XML -- Majix RTF file XML file Majix Intermediate format Input format Output format -can modify input style name -can modify output xml tag name -can not rearrange xml tree structure Word Styles XML tags