Unit 1 Newspaper Reading B


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 Newspaper Reading B

How to read newspapers One of the best teachers in the world is the newspaper. And reading newspapers is the best way to learn. Here is how to read them properly: Step 1 * Read the headlines first. * Choose where to read. * Select your important story and discuss it with your friends. Step 2 * Find examples of how people can get along with each other.

Step 3 * Have a race through the newspapers to find more information. * Note all good words and phrases. It is helpful to make your writing and language skills better.

a) Peter is very good at taking and keeping notes. Revision: 1.Find out the words according to the following sentences secretary decision conclude chief editor consider experience suggestion publish a) Peter is very good at taking and keeping notes. b) Right, I’m going to buy that shirt. c) I think it’s time to stop this meeting now. d) Let’s go to the beach. secretary decision conclude suggestion

secretary decision conclude chief editor consider experience suggestion publish e) I’ve been working as a doctor for ten years. f) Let’s ask the boss if we can include this article in today’s newspaper. g) This is a difficult question. Let’s think about it very carefully. h) They will bring out a new book next week. experience chief editor consider publish

Can you give me any names of paper? Guangzhou’s newspaper : Newspapers in other countries? Guangzhou Daily Yangcheng Evening News Times (New York/London) Post (Washington) Sun (UK) Mirror (UK) Mail (UK) Observer (UK)

标题 Headlines 读者投稿 Letters 世界新闻 World news 地方新闻 Local news 社论 What can you find in newspaper? 标题 读者投稿 世界新闻 地方新闻 社论 专栏 体育 Headlines Letters World news Local news Editorials Features Sports

Advertisements Reviews Business information TV schedules Weather forecasts Horoscopes Comic strips 广告 评论 商业信息 电视节目 天气预报 占星 连环画

1. Local news d 2. World news b 4. Sports a 3. People c B1 Newspapers have different sections. Below are some pictures and headlines from a newspaper. Which sections do they come from? Match them with the following sections. 1. Local news d 2. World news b 4. Sports a 3. People c

Liu Mei’ s opinions about the school newspaper. While-reading Skim the passage and find out the topic Liu Mei’ s opinions about the school newspaper.

Read it again and choose the best answer 1. According to Liu Mei , the school newspaper is ________ (important / enjoyable) 2.The school newspaper is published __________(daily / weekly). 3.Liu Mei likes ____________________ (the games/ the “Get to Know Your School” section) most in the newspaper. enjoyable weekly Get to Know Your School

4.In Liu Mei’s opinion, the games in the school newspaper are ___ (fun/ boring). 5.Students can ____ (buy / get) the school newspaper outside the library. 6.Liu Mei would like to have one more section about _________ (people and places / school life) in foreign countries. fun get school life

Match the meaning of the words: fan (A) a kind of electrical equipment with blades that go around and around. (B) a person who likes something or someone very much and is interested in them. library (A) a place where things such as books, newspapers, videos, and music are kept for people to read, use or borrow. (B) a place where you can buy books, magazines, etc.

Language points ... , I usually try to get one for free from outside the library ... (P4) ……我通常会尽力在图书馆外领取免费的报纸…… try to do sth意为“尽力做某事,努力做某事”,相 当于try one's best to do sth。 【拓展】try doing sth意为“尝试做某事”,表示一 种试着、做做看的做法。试比较: I'm trying to learn English well. 我尽力学好英语。 Let's try taking this way. 让我们试走这条路吧。

【拓展】动词后既可接to do,又可接doing的动词还有: stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停止做某事 remember to do sth 记得要做某事 remember doing sth 记得做了某事 forget to do sth 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做了某事

单项选择。 ( )1. She usually goes to school by bus,but this week she tries ____ a bike. A. to ride B. riding C. to riding D. rode ( )2. My mother asked me to remember ____ milk every day and try ____ less meat and more vegetables. A. to drink; to eat B. to drink; eating C. drinking; eating D. drinking; to eat riding to drink; to eat

8.have different sections 9.from outside the library 1.for free 2.local news 3.If possible 4.a big fan 5.borrow… from… 6.a copy of newspaper 7.be published daily 8.have different sections 9.from outside the library 10.a 20-year-old young man 免费 本地新闻 如果可能的话 一位狂热爱好者 从……借…… 一份报纸 每日出版 有不同的版面 从图书馆外面 一位二十岁的年轻人

根据所给中文完成下列句子 1.他是姚明的狂热仰慕者。 He is a ___ ___ of Yao Ming. big fan 2.我们每两个星期可以从图书馆借一次书。 We can ______ books ____ the library every other week. 3.如果可能的话,我可以帮助你。  I’ll help you ____ _____. 4.《英语周报》设有不同的版面。 English Weekly has _______ _______. big fan borrow from If possible different sections