I am hungry as a horse. You run like a rabbit. He is sneaky as a snake. She is happy as a clam.
Give it a try Topic: darkTopic: cold
The girl was a fish in the water. The clown was a feather floating away.
Give it a Try Topic: the moonTopic: the ocean
The flowers danced in the wind. The Earth coughed and choked in all of the pollution. The friendly gates welcomed us.
Give it a try! Topic: a shoeTopic: a basketball
Stan the strong surfer saved several swimmers on Saturday. Tiny Tommy Thomson takes toy trucks to Timmy’s on Tuesday. Click here to read more alliterations.
Give it a try! Topic: Letter s, a snake Topic: Letter d, a dog
Chug chug chug!! Swish swish swish Yeeeeee Ahhhhhhhh Glippp Gluppp Gluppp
Give it a try! Topic: A door slamsTopic: floor creaks
Rhyme Scheme All poems have a different ways in which rhyming words are placed This effects the flow of the poem and how the poem is read INVITATION If you are a dreamer, come in. If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer... If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire, For we have some flax golden tales to spin. Come in!
Rhyme Scheme Letters Rhyme schemes are often identified with letter patterns Pairs or rhyming word families are assigned the same letter The poem “Homemade Boat” follows a simple AB rhyme scheme Homemade Boat This boat that we just built is just fine-- And don't try to tell us it's not. The sides and the back are divine-- It's the bottom I guess we forgot....