London April 2005 London April 2005 Creating Eyeblaster Ads The Rich Media Platform The Rich Media Platform Eyeblaster
General Guidelines Simple Examples Advanced Examples
Creating an Eyeblaster ad is easy – only a few guidelines should be followed and every flash asset can be used to create an Eyeblaster ad. No preloader is needed – We make the preloader for you. Eyeblaster is building tools to make your life easier – don’t forget to use them (Eyeblaster Flash Extension Package). General Guidelines From Flash Asset to Eyeblaster Ad
The Eyeblaster Extension contains a set of custom scripts, components and templates. With the Eyeblaster Extension designers can add rich, complex capabilities to the flash ads quickly and easily. The latest version of Eyeblaster Extension can always be downloaded from the Eyeblaster admin interface. The extension should be installed using the Macromedia extension manager. General Guidelines Eyeblaster Flash Extension
The Rich Media Ad Platform Use the Eyeblaster actions (from the flash actions panel) to add Eyeblaster actions to your movie. General Guidelines Eyeblaster Flash Extension
Use the Eyeblaster components for more advanced features, such as: Embedding video in your ads. Creating video strip. Loading of Dynamic Data. State based ads. Data capture and polling General Guidelines Eyeblaster Flash Extension
First frame should not contain animation, sound or user’s action script. Eyeblaster’s ‘include file’ should be included in the first frame of the movie. #include “” Frame rate should be less than 18 fps. Ad size should be less than 2.2 MB. General Guidelines Eyeblaster Guidelines
Create the asset as light as possible – just as you would do for any flash asset you are creating for any other purpose. Publisher specs should always be checked before creating a flash asset for a specific publisher. General Guidelines Eyeblaster Guidelines
FSCommands are used for sending events (commands) from the flash to the Eyeblaster script. You can use the Eyeblaster actions (in the actions panel) in order to add the Eyeblaster’s FSCommands to your movies. Note that some of the FSCommands require additional arguments that you should manually add to the command. Examples: fscommand (“ebQuit) – no additional parameter is needed fscommand(“ebInteraction”,””) – no additional parameter is needed in case you want the default interaction. fscommand(“ebInteraction”,”blueCar”) – by adding the name “blueCar” as the second argument, the interactions named “blueCar” will be called General Guidelines Eyeblaster FSCommands
General Guidelines Simple Examples Advanced Examples
A floating ad contains a flash asset that floats above the HTML content. The asset used for the floating ad must be created according to Eyeblaster Guidelines. Eyeblaster floating ads are transparent. Floating ads usually contain a close button and an interaction (at least one) for the clickthrough URL. Simple Examples Creating a Floating Ad
Close button is used by the user in order to close the ad before the ad’s display period ends. On (release) { fscommand(“ebQuit”); } Simple Examples Close Button
Interactions are usually used to direct the user to a destination clickthrough URL. Interactions can also be used to report the user’s interactions with the ad (without directing to a destination URL). Automatic interactions can be embedded in the movie to mark that a specific part of the movie was shown to the user. The clickthrough URL is not hard coded in the flash asset, but defined in the Eyeblaster Interface. An ad can contain one or more interactions. Simple Examples Interactions
Default Interaction call: On (release) { fscommand(“ebInteraction”,””); } Custom Interaction call: On (release) { fscommand(“ebInteraction”,”blueCar”); } Simple Examples Interactions
Timer interactions are used to measure the user’s interaction time with an object in the movie. You should start and stop a timer in order to use a timer interactions: On (release) { fscommand(“ebStartTimer”,”playGame”); } On (release) { fscommand(“ebEndTimer”,”playGame”); } Eyeblaster handles some of the timer interactions automatically. For example: ad duration, interaction time, panel duration and more… Simple Examples Timer Interactions
Floating Ad Exercise Simple Examples
An expandable banner is a flash banner ad that launches multiple flash panels via click, rollover or auto initiation. The banner is a flash banner that is loaded with the page. The panels are separate flash movies that are loaded politely and appear adjacent to the banner as it expands, or freely float over the web page. The panel positioning is defined in the Eyeblaster interface. Simple Examples Creating an Expandable Banner
Automatic expand/retract can be defined in the Eyeblaster interface. In this case no special command should be added to the flash banner/panel. For opening a specific panel, call: fscommand(“ebShow”,”redPanel”); For hiding a specific panel, call: fscommand(“ebHide”,”redPanel”); If ‘show single panel’ option is selected in the Eyeblaster interface, each call to open a panel, will automatically close an already open panel. Creating an Expandable Banner Simple Examples
Expandable Banner Exercise Simple Examples Creating an Expandable Banner
General Guidelines Simple Examples Advanced Examples
Additional assets are usually used when we want to load additional content into the ad on a user interaction. Recommended for heavy ads. Load an initial flash first (up to 100K) and call the additional asset when needed (automatically or on a user interaction). Each additional asset has an ordinal number. To call the additional asset from the flash – call: LoadMovie(_root.ebMovie1); - will load the movie which was marked with ordinal number 1. (Same for ebMovie2, ebMovie3…) To test add the following code: if (typeof(_root.ebMovie1) == “undefined”) _root.ebMovie1 = “ additional asset URL Advanced Examples Additional Assets
This feature allows you to create ads that behave differently each time a user views them. Examples: “continuation” – the user plays a game. The next time the user will see the game (ad), the game will start from the last level the user reached. frequency cap – an expandable banner that automatically expands only once a day. Other views of the same ad in the same day will only show the banner. User preferences – the first ad displays a choice of colours for a car - red, blue, green - from which the user selects red. The next ad will display the car in red. Advanced Examples Behavioural Ads
To implement a behavioural ad, use the Eyeblaster “CreativeState” component. The feature is implemented by storing the information as a shared object on the user’s computer. Advanced Examples Behavioural Ads
The CreativeState component is part of the Eyeblaster Extension package. Drag and drop the CreativeState component into the stage. Give a name to the component’s instance. For example: myState. In the next frame you can call the component’s API. Advanced Examples Behavioural Ads - Exercise
Initialization (optional): myState.setStatePersistencyLevel(“campaign”); myState.setStatePersistencyLevel(“ad”); Get: value = myState.getState(“stateName”); Set: myState.setState(“stateName”,”stateValue”); Advanced Examples Behavioural Ads - API
Behavioural Ad - Exercise Behavioural Ads
The data capture feature allows you to create ads with forms that capture data, without the need for the advertiser to host a dedicated database and back-end server application. The data is kept on the Eyeblaster servers and is accessible for downloading by the agency. The data capture feature allows you to configure an to be sent to the user after submitting the data. The user polling feature can return an aggregation of the captured data to the ad. Advanced Examples Data Capture and User Polling
For implementing the data capture and/or polling features use the include file. The is included on the same level as the form variables. The form is defined in the Eyeblaster interface. The form name and fields in the asset must match those in the interface. Flash 6 is required for this feature. Advanced Examples Data Capture and User Polling
For submitting data call: ebSaveForm(“formName”); OR ebSaveFormSecured(“formName”); If the form definition contains an to be sent to the user on submitting the data, and let’s assume the user’s is updated in the flash variable “ Addr” - call: ebSaveForm(“formName”, Addr,true); - for HTML OR ebSaveForm(“formName”, Addr,false); - for text (same for ebSaveFormSecured) Advanced Examples Data Capture and User Polling
The Rich Media Ad Platform Data Capture and User Polling
For the polling feature, use the following function to get a URL with the most updated aggregated data: getFormDistributionURL(“formName”); The URL will point to an XML file with the aggregated data. Either use a graph component or manually parse the XML to get the data. Advanced Examples Data Capture and User Polling
The Rich Media Ad Platform Data Capture and User Polling
Floating Ad Exercise Advanced Examples
Questions London April 2005 London April 2005 Creating Eyeblaster Ads