AUTHORING TOOLS A teacher’s DIY kit Marcin Kudła
Authoring tools – the basics AT enable you to create your own teaching materials for FREE AT can have various forms: downloadable software online tools AT are for teachers who want to: facilitate work make the lesson more attractive take the learning experience beyond the classroom
Authoring tools - examples
Teacher’s Pet
TP is a downloadable tool for creating printable exercises doc files TP is a word processor add-on (it displays as a toolbar) TP uses macros (i.e. facilities recording a set of actions) TP is free… …except for 4 macros M a c r o s c a n c o n t a i n v i r u s e s, s o b e c a r e f u l w i t h t h e m
Teacher’s Pet - exercises wordstextssentences pair-matching gap-filling cloze-tests arranging in the right order underlining letters
Teacher’s Pet - procedure Prepare a vertical list of words/ sentences Select the list Choose a macro Select a word Choose a macro
Teacher’s Pet
WordLearner & Puzzlemaker
WL & PM are online tools for creating printable exercises pdf files png files html They are free… …unless you want to use their full versions
WordLearner & Puzzlemaker - exercises Word search Crossword Flashcards Bingo cards Word Jumble Matchmaker Word search Criss-cross Double puzzles Fallen phrases Letter tiles Hidden message WordLearner Puzzlemaker
Hot Potatoes
HP are downloadable tools for creating interactive exercises html HP consist of six applications: JCloze JQuiz JCross HP are free, but you have to register to have access to the full version Hot Potatoes: JMatch JMix The Masher
JCloze – cloze-tests JQuiz – multiple-choice, multiple-select, short answer questions JCross – crosswords JMatch – matching words, sentences, etc. JMix – jumbled sentences The Masher – a tool for organising your exercises Hot Potatoes - exercises
Hot Potatoes
Authoring tools Thank you