1 Enabling communities to better support veterans, civilian contractors, and their extended families This meeting is intended to learn about the Veteran Friendly Congregation (VFC) initiative, and establish a Military Ministry in your congregation and nearby Congregations as well
Approach Person in need of support Spouse SiblingsGrandparents Parents Children 2 Military Member
Programs 3 A Comprehensive Web Site Feeds and Supports Our Programs Clinicians / TherapistsCongregations / Clergy Military Culture 101 Conference Workshops EMDR Weekends 1 & 2 On-Line Training Training Calendar Information Resources Articles / Reports / Presentations Therapist Database Equine Assisted Therapy Centers Information Workshops Military Ministry Programs -Veteran Friendly Congregation -Lead Congregation -Program Guidebook Clergy/Lay Leader Training - Signs of Trauma and Spiritual Wounds - Referral Source Information Financial Planning Information
What is a Veteran Friendly Congregation (VFC)? 4 A VFC is making a commitment to have a Military Ministry that provides support to the veterans and their families A VFC means making the following 3 commitments: Agree to adopt or implement one or more Military Ministry Programs. Agree to communicate the existence of the Military Ministry Program(s) at least twice a month Annually, renew your commitment with the two provisions above A VFC will receive a certificate, suitable for framing and display in a prominent location so that it can be seen by all. Also, 1 copy of the book “Welcome Them Home, Help Them Heal” is provided that helps one understand a military family’s needs and how congregations can respond.
VFC & Military Ministry Programs - Examples 5 St Peter Chanel Catholic Church Website – Roswell St Thomas Aquinas – Blue Star Group Banner and Care Packages Sample of Existing Veteran Friendly Congregations St Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, Richmond Hill, GA Episcopal Church St. Peter and St. Paul, Marietta, GA Episcopal Church of Good Shepherd, Covington, GA First Presbyterian Church, Savannah GA Smyrna First United Methodist Church, Smyrna, GA Lutheran Church of the Incarnation, Marietta, GA St Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church, Columbus, GA St Ann's Catholic Church, Marietta, GA Our Lady of the Mountains Catholic Church, Jasper, GA Catholic Cathedral of Christ the King, Atlanta, GA First Baptist Church of Augusta, Augusta, GA Christ Tabernacle Of Faith Church, Hinesville, GA A Complete Directory Listing is at:
Military Ministry 6 Purpose The ministry approach is intended to address all the extended family members associated with the person that is or has been in the military. The ministry has the following goals: Help the congregation members maintain an awareness of the existence and needs of those sacrificing their time and effort to support our country Create an environment of acceptance within the congregation for any extended family member who worships or visits the congregation; acceptance of their needs (physical, material, and spiritual), and a willingness to join in their struggles, whatever they might be A Military Ministry is a commitment by the congregation to the military families and to themselves to provide support. It is not a commitment to the CareForTheTroops organization.
Military Ministry 7 Each Congregation Can Act on Their Own (or in collaboration with nearby congregations) The way this is setup: no faith has to act in any way like another faith no congregation has to act like another congregation no congregation has to have a Ministry like any other congregation every Military Ministry is completely customizable to each congregation's desire to act
Suggested NEXT STEPS …put forth to start a discussion What are the steps involved in making this decision 1.Gain Agreement from the Parish’s Leadership for the Ministry 2.Recruit and Assign a Lay Ministry Leader 3.Sign-up as a CFTT VFC 4.Recruit and Form a “team”, “group”, “committee” 5.Decide which Programs to begin and/or enhance 6.Consider being a Lead Congregation and work with CFTT 8