ZIMBABWE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES CONSORTIUM (ZULC) OPEN ACCESS AND CREATING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY CONFERENCE 24 – 26 April 2006 Crowne Plaza Monomotapa, Zimbabwe Copyright and Thesis in Africa By Felix N. Ubogu University Librarian University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Appreciation Thanks to ZULC I have come to realise that every librarian needs to have some knowledge of IPRs.
Outline of Presentation Introduction Developments in the ETD arena in Africa – The Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD) Intellectual Property Rights – Copyright – The African Scenario – Key issues regarding copyright and theses Suggestions
Introduction Theses and Dissertations (TDs) is a requirement Print TDs: held in “relative seclusion of the campus” – Unpublished Digital/Electronic TDs: Available Worldwide - “Published” ETDs - more responsibilities for Authors
Introduction (2) ETDs Enable rapid dissemination of the research results Innovation - audio, video, hypertext, multimedia, links to large data sets. Improved access to graduate research Promote collaboration The library can reduce cost Document is available 24/7
Introduction (3) Approach Websites of DATAD Members examined Objective: institutional copyright policy available online? If so, any policies on using materials in publication of TDs?
Developments in the ETD arena in Africa Institutional repositories, especially ETDs Most TDs still in print Computerised bibliographic information networks – Egypt & South Africa South Africa - recent National Research Foundation grant
The Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD) Project under the Association of African Universities (AAU) Lack of information on African research output 3-yr pilot project 11 institutions
DATAD (2) Areas of Impact Institutional policies and practices Capacity building at the participating institutions Networking and Team Spirit Capacity building at the AAU Tangible outputs
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Key forms - patents, copyrights, designs, trademarks and patterns, and trade secrets. IPR - one of the key issues raised in institutions Often a significant barrier to an ETD programme Copyright is a property: bought, sold, licensed, etc
IPR: Copyright Applies to work that is Original Fixed in some way – printed, written, recorded in any form It must be created by an author from a country which recognizes copyright National Copyright laws derive from the Berne Convention
IPR: Copyright and African Theses DATAD and concerns about intellectual property issues Lack of IP policies in many African universities TDs under lock and key DATAD workshops in February 2004 & Oct 2004 “Guide to Intellectual Property Management”
IPR: Copyright and African Theses (2) Table 1 Table 2
Key issues regarding copyright and theses Institutional level establishment of procedures infrastructure for institutional repository; management copyright procedures and regulations staff for the execution of project activities.
Key issues regarding copyright and theses (2) Students Content users of ETDs benefits: promotion work
Key issues regarding copyright and theses (3) Institution Rights granted or assigned Rights Permit use, display, copying, and distribution of the full-texts “derivative works” in the form of abstracts Create and distribute metadata Responsibilities adequate review and authentication of TDs Embargo copyright statement
Key issues regarding copyright and theses (4) Students (Author) Rights Owns Copyright Economic rights: distribution right and first sale doctrine Moral rights Responsibilities Observe norms and standards Secure necessary
Key issues regarding copyright and theses (5) Repository Responsibilities Remove or obscure copyrighted Protect against unauthorized use by third parties of this information. Allow metadata harvesting Permission for online access Safeguard against third-party copyright material being inadvertently deposited Obtain permission for copying for the purposes of preservation; for future migration; for emulation for the purposes of preservation.
Key issues regarding copyright and theses (5) Libraries manage TDs Be aware of copyright and licensing issues Senate Library Committee concern Assist/train authors
Suggestions Comprehensive web site to guide postgraduate students and supervisors on IPR issues A national initiative where feasible AAU could develop a copyright website that could be adapted by other African countries Website should have information on basic copyright information such as ownership, rights, duration, protection, registration, fair use, permissions, etc. Online tutorials could be used in this regard.
Thank you
ETD Websites with ETD related information on Intellectual Property Florida State University. Kansas State University. state.edu/academicservices/intprop/thesis. htm A good online tutorial on copyright basics available on site. Accessed on April 16, state.edu/academicservices/intprop/thesis. htm University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. book/index.asp book/index.asp West Virginia University. prop.htm prop.htm