04 March, 2010 Lisbon
Date of Establishment: March 2009, Joberg,S.A Founding members: 54 participants from 20 African countries + 7 other partners from other regions Governance Structure: - General Assembly – the founding members - SC 9 representing the 5 sub-regions of Africa - Advisory Board (31) + Coordination office -R Coordinator + 2 P/T +F/T staff- in Bamako/Mali
ICMA’s Catalytic role – The initiative was NOT because it was fashionable to create another RN but Compelling factors/enabling environment: Unsafe abortion takes its greatest toll in Africa >30,000/yr (44% of global UA-related M deaths ) = 90/day The inherent features of MA -as a breakthrough technology to address the incidence and consequences of UA particularly in low resource and legally restricted settings like Africa Regional legal and policy frameworks: Protocol to the ACHPR on the RWA (2005), MPoA ( 2006) The Global strategic frame works: ICPD PoA, MDGs Hence: a regional response to a global challenge
Goal: To contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality and morbidity in Africa arising from unsafe abortion Overall Objective: To provide a common platform to increase access to Medical Abortion in Africa
Organised the Coordination Office Developed Terms of Reference for the RN Plan of Action/strategies and Budget the Network Logo Prospectus (NOT yet printed) Website (NOT yet launched) Promoted ANMA /MA ( through regional and International Conference s) Organised Sub-Regional Advocacy Workshop (DRC) Conducted two bi-annual SC meetings
Institutional development: New Coordination Office/Coordinator, Capacity building, Finalising incomplete activities -web site, prospectus Disseminating information in regional and international conferences Identifying existing SRHRs Networks in Africa Compiling and disseminating basic documents- on MA, Abortion laws/policies in Africa- thru the Web Organising a sub-regional advocacy workshop & the SC meeting
Broader recruitment and active engagement of members Disseminating information on the major working languages used in the continent Facilitating training on MA Working with partners for registration of MA drugs Forging alliance to advocate for change of laws/policies
Global- With ICMA Guiding/Operating principles: ◦ Genuine partnership in the context of “affiliation” ◦ Appreciating regional specificities ◦ Complementarity (advancing a common agenda) Inter-regional: learning and experience /information sharing opportunities Intra-regional : utilising existing resources ◦ Materials-No need to reinvent the wheel! ◦ People (Advisory Board, Regional/National Trainers) ◦ Institutions/systems (MoH,…)