24 August 2011 Dr JC Henning Technology based Quality Evaluation Instrument for Teaching and Learning: UNISA Library Services
CONTENTS Background Context –Open Distance Learning (ODL) –Libraries in ODL Integrated Quality Management and Assurance System Conclusion
CONTEXT UNISA vision: “Towards the African University in the service of humanity” UNISA 2015 revisited: an agenda for transformation / UNISA 2011 operational plan –7 Objectives: Library - IR Repository / College Teams / Research space / Regional Libraries Comprehensiveness –Refers to a range of qualifications represented on the HEQF. These qualifications cater to the diverse needs of students and society from skills based vocational training to advanced theory based research degrees ODL and enhanced learner services –Postal services –Search services –Online services International guidelines for distance education libraries –Guidelines on responsibility / Human resources / financial resources
UNISA LIBRARY 9 branches in South Africa and 1 in Ethiopia 2 mobile libraries serving rural areas Services on mobile devices Postal service and e-reserves MyUnisa –Integrated services in courses College Teams 2, items e-books e-journal titles
LIBRARY SERVICE CHARTER Purpose –We commit ourselves to quality library and information service to all users. Context –We support of the Unisa Service Charter. Intent –We value your success by providing high quality library and information services. –We strive to be your information partner of choice. –We commit to fast, friendly and efficient information services and resources. –We undertake to serve your information needs. –We believe in mutual respect. Our pledge. –We want to be your preferred information partner.
INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND ASSURANCE Statutory responsibility – HEQC –Responsibility to deliver high quality learning experiences & responsive to ODL requirements – Define ODL quality criteria and set relevant standards –Monitor and evaluate quality of modules –Unisa PQM large numbers of modules – resources, turnaround time frames & paper based Integrated Quality Management and Assurance Framework (IQMAF) –Supportive environment to define expectations and standards
INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND ASSURANCE (2) Quality Evaluation Instrument (QEI) –Teaching and Learning as phase 1 –Comprehensive Technology enhanced / innovative web enabled system –Aligned with curriculum / module development cycle to effect continuous improvement strategies –Provide strategic information for the PQM and curriculum renewal exercises. –Evaluate student’s total learning experience, ensuring ODL quality of the design development and delivery of approved modules –Principles of HEQC and Nadeosa
QEI TEACHING AND LEARNING Objectives –Integrated – evaluate whole learning experience (systems driven ODL) – all areas in value chain –Integration and alignment – institutional frameworks and policies –Accommodate wider range of approved modules –Impact on improvements to the design, development of learning materials and delivery timely –Evaluate quality directly rather than satisfaction through a participatory and stakeholder driven approach –Ensure indicators are underpinned by internationally recognized ODL standards
QEI TEACHING AND LEARNING Advantages –Quality surveys in shorter period by simulating stakeholder interviews such as participating in a quality audit interview of programme review process –Produce equivalent and triangulated outcomes in more cost-effective manner –Reduce resourced required from a paper-driven process (large part or review is automated and reports generated through web-based technologies –Capacity to facilitate the review of all modules within a given seven-year cycle in a manner that provides quality inputs to curriculum renewal cycles
QUALITY EVALUATION INSTRUMENT: TEACHING AND LEARNING Dimensions to ensure quality service in ODL –Planning resource allocation and quality management –Design and development of learning material –Delivery of quality learning experience
CRITERIA AND STANDARDS Criteria –Aligned with HEQC and NADEOSA Standards –Identify current processes, systems, policies, procedures and services –Define quality criteria, standards and translate into quality assurance statements –Consult and validate –Weightings per criteria and stakeholder groups –Evaluation process and reports
STAKEHOLDER GROUPS Weightings to three evaluation areas and four stakeholder groups: pair-wise comparison analysis
LIBRARY QUALITY ARRANGEMENTS Unisa Library Quality Committee –Oversee, coordinate and monitor quality assurance –Implementation of the Library Quality Improvement Plan – Preparations for quality assurance reviews –Task analysis of library business processes Integrated in Unisa Quality Evaluation Instrument –Library Quality Assurance Framework –Quality standards for each segment that contributes to Teaching and Learning
QUALITY EVALUATION INSTRUMENT Objectives – Integrated instrument for all areas in value chain – Accommodate all approved and active modules in cycle – Immediate impact on effective design, development and delivery of academic courses – Integrated and aligned with approved institutional frameworks and policies – Evaluate quality rather than satisfaction – Ensure standards (as evident in instrument) are underpinned by international ODL standards – Cost effective
student profile in 2010 registered students part-time students % (2009) female students - 64% (2009) age % 30 racial profile - 64% Black, 21,3% White, 8,9% Indian, 5.8% Coloured disabled students students in Africa (excluding RSA) students in Europe students in Asia students in Australia & Oceania - 32 students in South America - 49 students in North America – 173