O UTCOMES After this session you should: Describe the applications of information in: Entertainment Advertising Education Other uses
Animation has so many applications and is so widespread that you may sometimes not even realise when animation is being used.
E NTERTAINMENT Animation in entertainment can take several different forms: Full length animated films Cartoons Games CGI
F ULL LENGTH ANIMATED FILMS As well as animated shorts, animation is used for full length animated films. The first film to use feature length animation was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937
Can you think of a Welsh animation? SuperTed is a Welsh animated television series about a teddy bear with magical super powers SuperTed is the creation of Mike Young and, who runs his own animation company called Calon in Cardiff, WalesWelshteddy bearMike Young
Claymation – an example
A NIMATION AND HUMAN ACTING Animation has also been used in films with real human actors. The scenes with the actors are filmed as normal but then traditional techniques are used insert the animated characters. Used in films such as: Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Space Jam
CGI At first CGI used stop motion effects which proved unrealistic. However the film Jurassic Park in 1993 revolutionised CGI and proved that convincing digital animation was both achievable and desired by audiences.
CGI IN FILM EXAMPLES Jurassic Park The Matrix Lord of the Rings Westworld
F ULL CGI FILMS CGI has been used to create whole full length feature films. The first film to do this was Toy Story in 1995
U NCANNY V ALLEY As animation becomes increasingly realistic it is believed to enter Uncanny valley. This is an area of perception in which the human brain cannot clearly distinguish what they are seeing is real or simulated.
The theory states that humans or humanlike figures (such as androids), which are not real but look very real, make us uncomfortable as our brains have difficulty recognising what they are seeing. As this technology develops. This will become more of a problem.
U NCANNY V ALLEY E XAMPLES Beowulf The Polar Express Monster House
A NIMATION ON TV Animation provides imagery not possible in the real world. It is especially effective in children's advertising. Kellogg's have used this method very effectively and their characters are now very well known even though they are on screen for only a few seconds. So has Cadbury’s
I NTERNET A DVERTISING Banner advertising Pop up adverts Centre-screen flash adverts
D IGITAL B ILLBOARDS Billboards now also use animation due to increased availability and affordability of the technology. Traditionally fluorescent and neon lit, they are now being replaced by full screen animations. This means that advertisers are longer limited to one advert and can easily be changed when needed. Piccadilly circus in London use digital billboards.
Animation is becoming more frequently used in education to teach students. Used to demonstrating science or experiments not able to be done in a classroom The Moving World Animation is used to keep students interested and entertained while they learn about topics. Can be used for training purposes i.e. simulations
Animation is used for simulations of places or situations where it would be too difficult, dangerous or expensive to carry out in the real world. Architects can test buildings for every possible eventuality before buildings are built
Weather forecasting uses animation to show the weather for each day. Driving simulators To gain confidence Teach hazard perception Military To demonstrate impacts of bombs on structures Simulations as part of training to develop strategies and reaction times to real world scenarios