Sub-regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points Eastern and Southern Africa Sandton, South Africa, 3-4 November 2010 Sub-Regional Workshop for GEF Focal Points in Eastern and Southern Africa Sandton, South Africa, 3-4 November 2010 Country Support Programme
Country Support Progamme / General Issues Corporate activities are cross-cutting and respond to needs of countries and civil society organizations to develop their capacity to generate global environmental benefits. During the GEF-5, the Country Support Programme (CSP) will be managed by the GEF Secretariat. Its purpose is to provide flexible support to countries (particularly the focal points) so that they strengthen their capacity to work with the GEF. The CSP components are: (i) national portfolio formulation exercise; (ii) multi-stakeholder dialogue; (iii) expanded constituency-level workshops; (iv) constituency meetings (Council member support); (v) direct support to operational focal points; (vi) knowledge management; and (vii) familiarization seminars.
Country Support Programme / National Portfolio Formulation Exercise (1) Throughout the GEF’s history, country programming was traditionally mediated by the GEF Agencies. To further strengthen GEF’s strategic engagement at country-level, each country can prepare, with GEF financial support, a national portfolio formulation exercise. Preparation/submission of this exercise is not a prerequisite for GEF project funding. These exercises will cover all relevant focal areas and should describe how GEF allocations will be programmed with projects/programs that reflect national and regional priorities to benefit the global environment.
Country Support Programme / National Portfolio Formulation Exercise (2) Preparation of exercises should be consultative and participatory and coordinated by GEF Operational Focal Points. 1 The country may select the national entity to conduct the exercise. This entity should have experience and competence. Countries that decide to conduct portfolio exercises will be granted up to US$30,000 from the corporate programs budget. Voluntary national plans will be shared with respective conventions for public disclosure and on the GEF Web site. ___________ 1 The policy and programming recommendation documents approved during the refinancing process propose conformity with the GEF’s National Steering Committees. Should this take place, each country may adapt its membership to national circumstances.
Country Support Programme / National Portfolio Formulation Exercise – Implementation Process (3) 1.The country prepares the proposal (providing the budget for the activity) and submits it to the GEF Secretariat. (NOTE: The national entity selected must fill out Simplified Financial Management Assessment Report, in order to comply with World Bank standards and procedures). 2.The GEF Secretariat reviews the proposal and the CEO approves it. 3.The Financing Agreement is signed between the country and the GEF CEO. Disbursements are made in accordance with World Bank procedures. 4.The country prepares the national portfolio formulation exercise. 5.Once the national portfolio formulation exercise has been completed, an activity finalization report is submitted to the Secretariat (including financial disbursement requirements + audit report).
Country Support Programme / Dialogue among multiple interested parties This dialogue follows the guidelines for the National Dialogue Initiative, currently implemented by the UNDP. Its purpose is to provide flexible support for convening national meetings, with the aim of sharing and enriching the information and experiences of the various parties interested in sustainable development activities. These meetings are expected to result in the strengthening of such GEF matters as donor coordination and clarification of policies and procedures. They will be held at the request of the operational focal point.
Country Support Programme/Expanded Constituency Workshops There will be a shift in current subregional workshops (one per year) to an expanded constituency-level meeting in order to provide information on the strategies, policies, and procedures of the GEF and to encourage coordination. The difference with subregional workshops is that expanded meetings include, in addition to the GEF focal points, the convention focal points and other key stakeholders, including civil society. 1 These meetings will be organized at the request of the Council Member with the support of the GEF Secretariat. An agenda will be prepared for each meeting reflecting participant needs. When the number of countries/participants so permits, two constituencies may meet at the same time. 1 Funding is provided for the participation of up to six persons per country.
Country Support Programme (Constituency Meetings and Direct Support for Operational Focal Points) Bearing in mind the expanded constituency meeting, during the GEF- 5 constituency, Council member support meetings will be reduced to one meeting per year. This meeting will be held at the request of the Council member, with US$3,000 being provided for logistical support. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Council meeting documents and agree on a joint position on issues. Direct Support for Operational Focal Points: Direct support will be increased from US$8,000 to US$9,000 per year. The purpose is to conduct activities that facilitate their work as Operational Focal Points.
Country Support Programme (Knowledge Management and Familiarization Seminars) Knowledge Management 1 : This component will reflect the evolving needs of GEF focal points, as well as the needs of other relevant stakeholder groups, in particular convention focal points. This component will also include information on the adaptation funds administered by the GEF (Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Climate Change Fund). GEF familiarization seminars will be held once a year in Washington, D.C. to train a number of (new) country focal points and GEF Agency staff on GEF strategies, policies and procedures. _________ 1 Focal Points’ Web page