1 Martha Bißmann WIP Renewable Energies The Knowledge Platform for Uptake of Climate Change Research Results.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Martha Bißmann WIP Renewable Energies The Knowledge Platform for Uptake of Climate Change Research Results


3 PredictionMitigationAdaptationSocio-Economics Civil Society Legal Framework, Incentive Programmes, … Climate Change Research Policy & Decision Makers Recommendation, Guidelines

* ADAPTATION to Climate Change: Natural resources management, Energy and water security Desalination and purification technologies Agriculture, Fisheries, Agro-Forestry * Climate Change MITIGATION : Renewable Energies, Bio-technology Efficient energy use & energy conservation Sustainable transport, urban planning, Emission trading Land use management, reforestation & avoided deforestation * Climate Change PREDICTION and IMPACT Assessment: Natural Disasters Forecast Climate Forecast Gender, Health, Poverty, Food security

EU-Africa Joint Strategy S&T Objective AFRICA Climate related RESEARCH projects: Environment (incl. Climate) Fisheries Agriculture Health Food Biotechnology 5

Better wetland management & Integration of wetlands into River Basin Management Research Topic: NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Coordinator: Anteagroup, BE Main results: Wetland Management Strategies Decision Support Guidelines, Toolbox Vulnerability assessment 6

Better prediction of future outbreaks of three water-related Vector-Borne Diseases (VBDs) - as a result of environmental changes - in the East African Region Research Topic: HEALTH Coordinator: Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland Main results: Vulnerability assessment Decision support tools 7

8 Researchers and stakeholders/end-users don‘t speak the same language Restrictions to data access Limited sources for dissemination

Researcher’s EvidencePolicy Maker’s Evidence “Scientific” (context free)Colloquial (contextual) Empirically provenAnything that seems reasonable Theoretically-drivenPolicy relevant As long as it takesTimely Caveats and qualificationClear message 9

AfriCAN CLIMATE The Web Platform for Uptake of Climate Change Research Results in Africa Duration: October 2011 – September 2014 (Research) Topic: DISSEMINATION Coordinator: WIP Renewable Energies, Munich, DE Objective: Translating research results into policy & projects Main result: Web based multi-lingual, multi-functional, interactive Knowledge Platform! 10

* Target Groups: Governments and local authorities Practicioners Investors NGOs * Multipliers: Researchers from past & current EU and MS funded projects Regional and multi-national African organisations (ECOWAS, ECCAS, SADC, AU, …) 11

* Focussing on promoting Good Practices * Making research knowledge accessible for stakeholders, using standardized, simplified web content formats * Engaging African-European research networks to leverage promotional support and exchange of knowledge * Achieving full geographical, linguistic and thematic coverage * Using innovative, but applicable *Web Functionalities * Setting up a strong *Editorial Team, for “day-to-day” content management 12


14 Editorial Board Approve editorial policy Decide on “good practice case / highlighted research item of the month” Monitor overa quality coherence; agree on optimization measures based on evaluation report by chief editor Chief Editor Monitors the whole editorial process Monitors liaison work & knowledge transfer between external users and editors Organises editorial board meetings, meetings with PAU and editorial team trainings Coordinates development of editorial policy and guidelines Networking Coordinator Create and maintain the stakeholder database Responsible for "Partners" section Ensure the quality of the groups post entries in terms of political correctness Ensure quick response by the editors to comments and questions stated relating the portal Editors Identify and edit items for the climate change knowledgebase Follow the editorial policy in continuous uploading and publishing of items Verify the cohesion and correctness of the items proposed by external users Animate scientific and other specialized online groups ("communities") Documentalist Identify continuously research knowledge items Support editors in editing research knowledge and good practices Publish research items, news, events and links Set up and maintain social media channels; help editors to animate online groups


16 Coordinator

„Being the BETTER GOOGLE for Research Knowledge with Relevance for Africa and have a real impact through new Projects and Policies“ 17

„Being the BETTER GOOGLE for Research Knowledge with Relevance for Africa and have a real impact through new Projects and Policies“ 18