Bring Your Own Device Teaching and Learning with technology you already have
Today’s Objective Pair technology with free resources in order to maximize instruction
Educational Technology Internet/WiFi Desktop Smartphone Laptops/Chromebooks Tablet Hovercam Projector
SmartphonesDevice Built-in Apps Stopwatch/ Timer How many states can you label in a minute? Camera Take a picture of this formula… you will need it later.
SmartphonesDevice Built-in Apps Calculator What is human body temperature in Celsius? Voice Recorder Record yourself saying the following phrase “Excuse me, what time is it?”
1 Minute Discussion What ways can you or your students use the stopwatch/timer, camera, calculator or voice recorder apps in your class?
Formative Assessments -Quick, informative assessments that drive instruction -Low stakes -Objective based -Before, during, after instruction
Plickers Hybrid, low cost technology Data Collection Free software Promotes participation Tactile Requirements: Smartphone or Tablet Optional: Projector
Example: Tessa’s PetsTessa’s Pets The letter that is “UP” is the answer you are submitting. D
GradeCam Multiple choice scanner Great for differentiation Use data to drive instruction Requirements: Smart Device (Phone or Tablet), Hovercam, or Webcam
Example: Order of Operations Answer the five questions by bubbling in the appropriate answer on the Gradecam Sheet. You have 3 minutes.
Gradecam Item Analysis
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