Tackling Transport in Africa The TEST Network Status in SA Rahul Jobanputra Centre for Transport Studies University of Cape Town Partner meeting October 2010 Nairobi
Overview SA Activity 1.2 Status quo on Traffic flow and congestion: Roads Source: NDOT, 2002
Status quo on Traffic flow and congestion: Roads Demand Settlement type% of people making a tripNo. making a trip Metropolitan Urban Rural RSA Source: NDOT, 2005 Overview SA Activity 1.2
Overview SA Activity 1.2 Status quo on Traffic flow and congestion: Roads Demand Congestion Source: RTMC, 2010 Year Estimated Vehicle Kilometres Travelled Vehicle Population (registered)
Overview SA Activity 1.2 Status quo on air pollution: Environmental quality is not a high priority in South Africa South Africa is one of a few countries that does not regulate motor vehicle emissions Ad hoc studies are carried out (such as the Brown Haze study in Cape Town), however, the contribution from transport is unclear
YearGAKZWCECFSMPNWLINCRSA 20082,3112,1171,2901, , , , ,1962,2141,0761, , , ,857 Change % change Source: RTMC, 2010 Number of accidents with fatalities per Province Status quo on road safety: Overview SA Activity 1.2
Status quo on road safety: Reliability of data Completeness of data Fatalities SourcePGWCRTMCNIMSS Overview SA Activity 1.2
Source: RTMC, 2010 Status quo on road safety: Reliability of data Completeness of data source Completeness of data fields of the vehicle records in WC data base missing (12%) Of the vehicle records in the WC data base a total of have missing number plate information (6.3%) Overview SA Activity 1.2
Source: RTMC, 2010 Status quo on road safety: Reliability of data Completeness of data source Completeness of data fields Geographical data is extremely useful Overview SA Activity 1.2
Fatal accidents: drivers Overview SA Activity 1.2
Fatal accidents: pedestrians Overview SA Activity 1.2
Overview SA Activity 1.2 Research capacity: Limited research being carried out, majority presented at SATC (roads)
Overview SA Activity 1.2
Overview SA Activity 1.2 Research capacity: Limited research being carried out, majority presented at SATC (roads) Research mainly done at universities and research councils (mostly in small groups)
University of Cape Town: Centre for Transport Studies (3 academics) Traffic flow Air pollution (through energy efficiency) Road safety Energy Research Centre (ERC) Environmental and Geographical Science Overview SA Activity 1.2
University of Pretoria: Department of Civil Engineering (2 academics) Traffic flow Air pollution (through energy efficiency) Aviation safety Overview SA Activity 1.2
University of Stellenbosch: Department of Civil Engineering (6 academics) Traffic flow and ITS Road safety Pavement Engineering Overview SA Activity 1.2
Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (number of academics involved = unknown): Tourism Research Unit Integrated Environmental and Coastal Management (Unit) Unit for the Study of Construction Processes Overview SA Activity 1.2
Durban University of Technology (number of academics involved = unknown): Research Management and Development Division Overview SA Activity 1.2
Overview SA Activity 1.2 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (number of researchers involved = unknown): Built Environment
Other stakeholders: National Department of Transport Department of Environmental Affairs Overview SA Activity 1.2
Research capacity: Limited research being carried out, majority presented at SATC (roads) Research mainly done at universities and research councils (small research groups) Research by consultancies, NGO’s etc. often unpublished Overview SA Activity 1.2
Stakeholder Meeting - SA Held on 12 October after extensive consultation and input into spreadsheets 80 respondents to date 42 members attended meeting Agenda was to introduce TEST, its intention, the work packages and then to discuss spreadsheets.
Activities, actions, projects: Traffic FlowAir pollutionRoad Safety Performance Indicator Analysis Sources of Pollution and Their Contribution Performance Indicator Analysis Impacts of Road congestion Status of Pollution (analysis, modelling, etc) Impact Analysis Response to Road Congestion Impacts of PollutionData Quality Control Response to Air PollutionEvaluation & Monitoring Stakeholder Meeting - SA
Country Profile: Traffic FlowAir pollutionRoad Safety Demographics N/AOutput Indicators (accidents and fatalities) Transport Options and Infrastructure N/AOther data on factors, influencing Road Safety Land Use N/AResponse to Lack of Road Safety (Standards & Rules) ? Change to Road Safety Issues? Parking N/A Freight N/A Pricing N/A Stakeholder Meeting - SA
Stakeholder Meeting - SA
Held on 12 October after extensive consultation and input into spreadsheet 80 respondents to date 42 members attended meeting Agenda was to introduce TEST, its intention, the work packages and then to discuss spreadsheets. 3 parallel sessions discussed input Results being incorporated into revised sheets Stakeholder Meeting - SA
Tackling Transport in Africa The TEST Network Building & Expanding Rahul Jobanputra Centre for Transport Studies University of Cape Town Partner meeting October 2010 Nairobi
Building & Expanding the network - SA 80 respondents to date 42 members attended stakeholder meeting All stakeholders given access to UCT’s vula web site
Vula Features Managed by UCT IT department Can add/delete participants Site owner has access to site stats (no of visitors, time/date of visit etc.) Can upload/download depending on permissions Forums & notifications via auto generated mail Building & Expanding the network - SA
Promotion Inserts into ‘Mobility’ magazine Promotion via SAICE – at meetings and through magazine Bi-annual Newsletters via Vula/Afritest Stand at National conference (?cost) Possible incorporation into library resources of all national universities/technical colleges (best practice, similar to Science Direct). Building & Expanding the network - SA
Promotion Incorporation into UCT promotional information. Through suggested training and capacity building exercises. Possible adoption at National, Provincial and local level of government. Internationally – promote web site ( search engines). Building & Expanding the network - SA
Concerns Data protection/privacy Keeping data up to date Ensuring quality Procedure after year 3 Building & Expanding the network - SA