ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work A Fundamental Study of Biomass Oxy- fuel Combustion and Co-combustion Timipere S. Farrow Prof. Colin Snape: Supervisor
Presentation overview 1. Introduction Carbon capture technologies Detailed oxy-fuel combustion process Objectives 2. Lab Scale Experimental techniques Thermo gravimetric Analysis (TGA)/Horizontal Tube Furnace (HTF) Drop Tube Furnace (DTF) 3. Results I. Combustion reactivity of Biomass Fuel under oxy-fuel and air combustion II. Co-firing sawdust and coal to identify the effect of biomass on coal char burnout III. Co-firing in (DTF), the effect at higher temperature combustion Introduction OverviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
Introduction The presence of CO 2 and other green house gas emissions in the atmosphere has become more problematic because of their negative environmental impact on climate Stringent environmental laws on CO ₂ emissions from coal combustion. World energy consumption is predicted to rise to 44% and CO ₂ emissions to 39% in 2030 [1] Increased interest in power generation industry towards technologies, which help to reduce CO 2 emissions from fossil fuels combustion by means of CO ₂ capturing. 1. International energy outlook, 2009 Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
Leading Techniques for CO ₂ Capture Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work Biomass co-firing Presents a potential technique
Why Biomass and co-firing? Potential option for renewable based power generation Unlike fossil fuels, biomass fuel is renewable and CO 2 -neutral in the sense that the CO 2 it only releases recently fixed carbon when combusted thereby closing the carbon loop on a short time Partial substitution of coal for combustion In the UK, legislation is strong on CO ₂ reduction to meet Kyoto target and EU’s target to reduce CO ₂ emissions by 20% by Hence the combination of oxy-fuel combustion with biomass fuel become a CO 2 sink for power plants Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
Oxy-fuel combustion Process for cleaner fossil fuel utilisation Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work Fundamental studies of oxy-fuel coal combustion have demonstrated that oxygen concentrations in the range % produced temperature profiles matching those of conventional air firing with lower NO x and SO x emissions.
Objectives 1. To investigate the behaviour of biomass under oxy-fuel conditions in comparison to air fired condition in terms of: Volatile yield The associated nitrogen partitioning between char and volatiles in order to monitor NOx emissions. Kinetic parameters which are useful for design of biomass oxy-fuel combustion system. 2. To investigate how biomass will affect coal char burnout during co-firing under oxy-fuel and air firing with particular emphasis on the catalytic effect of biomass-contained alkali and alkaline metals on coal char burnout Introduction OverviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
Schematic diagram of experimental Approach Thermo gravimetric Analyser (TGA) Horizontal Tube Furnace (HTF) Furnace (DTF) Char Devolatilisation Re-firing Devolatilisation Sawdust Thermo gravimetric analyser Horizontal tube furnace Drop tube Furnace Char Combustion Devolatilisation Combustion Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
Thermo gravimetric analyser (TGA)and horizontal tube furnace (HTF) heating rate of 150 ⁰ C/min Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work TGA Heating rate is miles away from reality yet give fundamental combustion information TGAHTF, replicates TGA char production
Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work Drop Tube Furnace, High heating rate, short resident times ( ms) and 1600 ⁰ C High heating rate and high combustion temperatures, close to reality
Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work What Effect does CO ₂ have on volatile yield? There is no particle size effect at both conditions except for the smallest particle size at 1100 ⁰ C The impact of oxy-fuel firing is pronounced at 1100 ⁰ C due to volatile –char gasification reaction but low at low temperatures due to Poor thermal conductivity
Why do we need to maximise Nitrogen (N ₂ ) yield in the volatile phase? Char N ₂ contribute to NOx formation Beneficial to oxy-fuel due to high transformation of N ₂ into the gaseous state at high temperature Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
TGA Combustion reactivity of biomass chars at 375 ⁰ C CO2 does not have effect on the combustion reactivity of the chars at low temperature hence the burnout is identical with air fired condition Insignificant particle size effect is seen in during burnout in both conditions except for the smallest particle size. Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
Impact of low char combustion temperature on kinetic parameters Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work Variation is less due to poor thermal conductivity effect of CO 2 compared with that of N 2
Benefits of Co-firing (TGA Analysis) SamplesNitrogen chars and Air combustion CO ₂ chars and 21%O ₂ /79% CO ₂ combustion 1st order rate constants90% burnout time1st order rate constants90% burnout time (min¯)(min)(min¯)(min) sawdust char 700C Kleinkopje (KK) HTF char 1000C saw/KK char blend 50:50wt%) Predicted sawKK char blend Improved burnout of blend but slightly more pronounced under oxy- fuel condition Strong synergetic effect: an indication of interactions Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work
Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work Moving close to Reality, does biomass char still affect coal char burnout?
Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work Improved coal char combustion, effect of catalytic inorganic metals in biomass fuel
Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work conclusions High reactivity observed for CO ₂ at high temperature due to gasification reaction. No particle size effect, can use bigger particle size for pulverised biomass fuel combustion systems Biomass improved coal combustion. There is chemical interaction between the two fuels during co-combustion Inorganic minerals in biomass catalysed coal char combustion
Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work Completing PhD, what is left to be done Devolatilisation of sawdust in DTF at different temperatures and different residence times DTF char burnout Co-firing at different temperatures and residence times at the two atmospheres DTF burnout of blend chars TGA burnout analysis of DTF chars (sawdust and blend chars) in air and oxy- fuel conditions
Introduction ReviewObjectivesExperimentalResultsConclusionFuture work