LESA: Land Evaluation and Site Assessment An Effective Way to Plan Champaign County Soil and Water Conservation District
What is LESA? u A two-part evaluation system soil productivity social/economic/environmental factors
LESA... u Science/Fact-based process u Decisions are consistent, accurate and defensible.
Where Do We Start? u LESA is already in place -- NRCS & SWCD began the program 16 years ago. u LESA should be updated and used
LESA: A 2-Part Process u Land Evaluation (LE) –SWCD-NRCS provides soils data, ranking for productivity u Site Assessment (SE) –Local officials rate land current farm activity surrounding non- urban land use distance to utilities and transportation other crucial local issues
LESA: LE portion Land Evaluation (LE) Based in soil productivity Index with 100 as best soils (Flanagan) u 9 soil productivity groups u SWCD recommends saving top 4 groups (85) u Average for site 1/3 of total score (0-300)
LESA: SA portion Site Assessment (SA) Suitability of site for development and interface with agricultural community u Agricultural land use nearby u Current zoning nearby u Compatibility and proximity to towns u Land use feasibility u Available resources-roads, water, sewer, etc. u Environmental impact u Total points 2/3 of LESA score (0-300)
LESA: Adding it up Total Score = 0 to 300 Combining the soil productivity and impact of development on agriculture, the environment and existing infrastructure u LE + SA= LESA u Scoring system very high rating for protection high rating for protection moderate rating for protection 179 or less low rating for protection u SWCD recommends protection if 200 or above
LESA Can Help You... n Identify farmland in need of protection n Aid in planning and zoning policies n Evaluate proposed or future conversion issues
Gray areas = 19% Undeveloped land Green areas LE > 85 Prime farmland definition Brown areas LE < 85
Example A LE = 80 LESA close to town = 136 LESA away from town = 226
LE = 86 LESA close to town = 152 LESA away from town = 232 Example B
Example C LE = 99 LESA close to town = 169 LESA away from town = 239
Why Should We Use LESA? n LESA is science-based n LESA can make planning easier n LESA is consistent for all tracts in the county
Where do we go from here? u Update scoring sheet to reflect current needs u Make the system known to people considering development so they can see if their project is feasible
Who Else Supports LESA? NRCS, the Champaign Co. SWCD, and Farm Bureau endorse LESA and the use of comprehensive planning/zoning policies
For more information on how LESA can help your community, contact your local USDA Service Center and speak with NRCS and SWCD resource professionals today!