WSDL 1.2 Binding Changes Sanjiva Weerawarana WSDL WG F2F – July 2003 Raleigh, NC
Motivation Without we can make WSDL 1.2 bindings dramatically simpler
Overview s in general SOAP binding HTTP binding –General documents
to make it more reusable binding details Allow to point to bindings or inline bindings: <endpoint name=ncname [bindings=list-of-qnames] inlined-bindings address-binding
SOAP Binding Define default SOAP binding rules goes into goes into Drop, is used to add a new header Need a default rule –Proposal = interfaceTNS#operation-name Note: No need to pay attention
HTTP Binding case –If types are all simple, then can do HTTP GET/POST binding for content-type=form-url- encoded URL rewriting, POST body, … –Basically For other cases –Natural text/xml binding with as input payload and as output payload
Example element-decls binding-stuff <endpoint name=ncname bindings=list-of-qnames>