Planning for Smart Growth in Rural New Hampshire SWRPC Southwest Region Planning Commission
Planning for SMART GROWTH Purpose of Smart Growth Audits: Assist rural communities in coping with change, development and growth. Provide guidance by promotingSmart Growth. Assist communities in implementing the prin- ciples of Smart Growth to effectively manage growth. SWRPC
Planning for SMART GROWTH SWRPC NH Smart Growth Principles Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire SWRPC Content of Slide Show:
Planning for SMART GROWTH SWRPC NH Smart Growth Principles Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire SWRPC
Sprawl: amount of developed land grows faster than population. SWRPC Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire SWRPC
Source: Brookings Institution, Nashua – Manchester Area: 29 % increase in population, but % increase in developed land = 25 % decrease in density SWRPC Sprawl: amount of developed land grows faster than population. Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire
Signs of Sprawl in Rural Areas: Single-Use Zoning, Current Development Trends that don’t follow Historic Patterns. Dominance of Town-wide Medium- to Low-Density Residential Housing, SWRPC Sprawl: amount of developed land grows faster than population. Large-Lot Zoning in Town Center, Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire
Source: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, US EPA Landscape prior to development SWRPC
Source: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, US EPA Landscape after conventional development SWRPC Sprawl
SWRPC Loss of open space and wildlife habitat Costs of sprawl: Loss of farming, forestry, hunting & recreation Increase in polluted storm water run-off Depletion of ground water Congestion and attrition of local roads Higher housing costs due to land & road costs Higher school transportation costs Change of community character SWRPC Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire
Geography of sprawl: SWRPC Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire Concord Keene Manchester Nashua Lawrence, MA Greenfield, MA Household Density Patterns (2000) Source: 2000 Census
Planning for SMART GROWTH SWRPC NH Smart Growth Principles Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire SWRPC
Smart Growth can protect the environment, build better communities, preserve community character, and provide employment and housing opportunities, including the building of affordable housing. SWRPC Smart Growth is the opposite of Sprawl. NH Smart Growth Principles Smart Growth does not stop growth.
SWRPC NH Smart Growth Principles Principles: Office of Energy and Planning publication.
SWRPC A) Maintain traditional compact settlement patterns. B) Preserve traditional character of downtowns and villages. C) Incorporate a mix of uses. D) Preserve our working landscape & environmental quality. E) Provide choices and safety in transportation. F) Manage growth locally in the NH tradition … and work with neighboring towns. SWRPC NH Smart Growth Principles
A) Maintain traditional compact settlement patterns. SWRPC NH Smart Growth Principles SWRPC X X Compact pattern Strip development
Important: In concert with land protection measures NH Smart Growth Principles SWRPC Uses land efficiently Is pedestrian-friendly Uses less infrastructure Mixes uses Creates new center Expands or in-fill in existing village or SWRPC A) Maintain traditional compact settlement patterns.
NH Smart Growth Principles SWRPC Maintains human scale Promotes consistent architectural & site design Creates sense of community SWRPC B) Preserve traditional character of downtowns and villages. Retains rural character
Source: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, US EPA Landscape with conventional development SWRPC Sprawl
Source: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, US EPA Landscape with compact settlement patterns Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND) SWRPC
NH Smart Growth Principles Business / Retail / Services Commercial / Residential Public Facilities Public Green Space C) Incorporate a mix of uses. Variety of Housing Types SWRPC
NH Smart Growth Principles SWRPC D) Preserve our working landscape & environmental quality. Growing Processing Selling
NH Smart Growth Principles SWRPC D) Preserve our working landscape & environmental quality. Storm water management Riparian land protection Vegetated buffers Protection of steep slopes Open space protection
NH Smart Growth Principles SWRPC Safe & convenient Walking & biking Year-round use E) Provide choices and safety in transportation. SWRPC
NH Smart Growth Principles Helps towns to achieve common goal: Smart Growth Implemented through master plan policies, land use regulations and intermunicipal agreements. Helps towns to effectively address common problems: traffic, capacities of services etc. SWRPC F) Manage growth locally in the NH tradition … and work with neighboring towns.
Planning for SMART GROWTH SWRPC NH Smart Growth Principles Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool Sprawl in Rural New Hampshire SWRPC
A systematic inquiry to evaluate existing land- use plans, policies and practices against the accepted principles of Smart Growth. Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool SWRPC What is a Smart Growth Audit?
American Planning Association, Planning Advisory Service Report # 512, SWRPC Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool Methodology and Parameter:
Efficient Land Consumption Direction of Growth Density Urban Form Land Use Jobs-Housing Balance Open Space/Green Space Energy Conservation Water Quality Air Quality Housing Transportation Parking Water, Sewer, and Other Infrastructure Permitting Processes Regionalism and Intergovernmental Relations Parameter checklist: SWRPC Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool
SWRPC Example for applied methodology Does the local zoning ordinance provide at least one or more zoning districts that allow mixes of residential and commercial uses? Principle: Incorporate a mix of uses. The auditor consults the town’s master plan and zoning ordinance. SWRPC Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool Question: Analysis: Comments: Recommendations: The auditor answers the question and comments on results. If necessary, the auditor recommends amendments to the town’s master plan and zoning ordinance.
SWRPC Recommendations SWRPC Smart Growth Audit as a Planning Tool Implementation