Planning Processes/Permits “From Pre-application meeting to Board of Aldermen Approval.” “From Pre-application meeting to Board of Aldermen Approval.” But First,…… the ground work, 2007
Planning: A policy guide to development and land use within an area in relation to a long- range development plan Zoning: Local law controlling use, building density and location and other development features Subdivision: Local law governing the partitioning and development of land
Zoning and land use regulations must be adopted “in accordance with a comprehensive plan” § RSMo. Consistent guide for development vs. ad-hoc “quickie” decisions Opportunity to take stock of community preferences and set directions accordingly Because just Zoning is not planning
Types of processes: * Rezoning * Conditional use permits * Site Plans * Preliminary Plats * Record Plats * Planned Developments “All review and packet assembly processes accomplished in a 30 day window ”
Pre-Application Meeting Procedure: Applicant schedules Pre-app with City Planner; › Highlight ordinances & stipulations/access regulations › Address potential issues › Discuss potential solutions to technical, design & environmental review issues › Provide direction about process, i.e. submittal requirements, appropriate sequences of required plan review & processes › Assist in preparing plan which meets goals & objectives of Comprehensive Plan * Process for City Planner to add their application to a future agenda as applicable ; City Code §§ , Then what happens?
Public notice advertisement accomplished for Rezoning/CUP/Major plan amendments * (Published 15 days prior to scheduled Hearing per State/Local Ord.) (Public Hearing held at both the PZ and BOA levels/agenda’s) (Notification letters sent for 300 feet radius to all land owners and placed in newspaper); Notify and accept comments from Agency review authority’s (school district, Fire District, Modot, utility company’s); * Staff review and comment via Planning; engineering; building: administration (Comment Ltr sent ) Letter generated approximately 5-8 days after receipt of petition Revisions are required to address comments Comments related to Land Use and Subdivision regulations, Pre-app. Meeting discussion, special studies
Applicant provides revised documents: › Revisions re-reviewed by staff related to staff comments; › Results of process reported to the Commission/Board in Staff Recommendation. › Documents submitted by staff and packet generated in Minute Trac for Board and Commission
Planning Commission meeting held; › Commission makes a recommendation on agenda items to the BOA › Staff creates Board summary and amends MT documents as applicable › The “Action” and “reasoning” are forwarded to Board of Aldermen with Plan Action of Commission: › Approve › Deny › Approve with Conditions › Postponement
Board of Aldermen Meeting Held; › Board receives recommendation from Planning Commission; › Public hearing held for Rezoning/CUP/Major Plan amendments *Action of Board: › Approve › Deny › Approve with Conditions › Postponement
Effect of Approval/Denial › Approval Applicant can receive building permits after Engineering Department review (staff review processes) Denial › Applicant can resubmit the request with changes in response to reasons for denial