How ICT is creating Africa’s quantum leap Leon Strous IFIP Computer Society of Zimbabwe, Summerschool 2013 ifip 1
Your speaker ifip 2
the International Federation for Information Processing 3
A federation of IT societies 50+ countries Incl members in IFIP’s member societies 13 Technical Committees 100+ working groups volunteers 80+ events annually 60+ publications annually ifip 4
IFIP provides a global platform to: Advance information and communication technologies (ICT) Advance the responsible application of ICT Advance the role, position and effectiveness of professional ICT societies Advance professionalism in ICT Advance digital equity ifip 5
How ICT is creating Africa’s quantum leap 7
ifip Thank you Google and Wikipedia Or not? 8
ifip Quantum physics / mechanics Quantum computing Quantum city / town Quantum energy wellness / biofeedback etc Quantum leap 9
ifip 10
ifip quantum leap quantum leap: An abrupt change or step, especially in method, information, or knowledge (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language) quantum leap: A sudden highly significant advance; breakthrough [from its use in physics meaning the sudden jump of an electron, atom, etc. from one energy level to another] (Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged) 11
ifip Inaugural ICT Indaba, 4-7 June 2012 Cape Town, SA African ICT Ministerial Declaration In supporting the outcomes of the ICT INDABA 2012, underpinning the 2020 goals we commit to: 2. Set Africa on a quantum leap growth curve by enhancing GDP growth through lessons learnt and applying innovation within the African context; 12
ifip How ICT is creating Africa’s quantum leap Reaching out to communities Providing economic opportunities Eliminating / decreasing social and geographical boundaries ….. 13
ifip Examples from WITFOR 2007 Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECEX), International Food Policy Research Institute, Ethiopia Using ICTs for Managing Genebanks: Experience of SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre, SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Zambia 14
ifip Examples from WITFOR 2007 The e-Agricultural Initiative: a Community of Expertise for Sharing Innovative Experiences, FAO Regional Office for Africa, Ghana The Pan African e-Network project, Ambassador of India in Ethiopia 15
ifip Examples from WITFOR 2007 The BorgouNET Project, BorgouNET NGO, Benin The use of ICT for increasing access to and improving quality in higher education in Africa, IAU / UNESCO, Africa Committee of the UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge, Mauritius 16
ifip Examples from WITFOR 2007 Village ICT Project at Lugoba in Tanzania, Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), Tanzania Opportunities and Challenges of ICT for Youth Development in Ghana for the Ghana ICT4AD Policy, Youth Development Foundation (YDF), Ghana 17
ifip Examples from WITFOR 2007 Knowledge Transfer Beyond Boundaries (NABU) - Cameroon Project: Empowering rural communities to use ICT in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Cameroon Best practices in Community Media Centres, Microsoft Public Sector Group, South Africa 18
ifip Cooperation Why the list of examples? To show it is a multi stakeholder effort African proverb: If you want to go fast go alone If you want to go far go together 19
ifip Cooperation Who (type of organizations) Government Industry Academia UN – IGO’s – NGO’s Societies of professionals 20
ifip Cooperation Who (functions / roles) Politicians Policy makers Regulators Developers of standards Developers of products and systems Researchers Practitioners (professionals and users) 21
ifip IFIP WITFOR Goals: To share and discuss experiences in drafting and implementing ICT policies; To share and discuss experiences in initiating and implementing ICT projects; To present and discuss research concerning the overall goal 22
ifip IFIP WITFOR The concept of WITFOR is to bring together politicians, policymakers, researchers and practitioners from developed, emerging and developing countries with the aim of discussing together ICT policies and practical experiences. 23
ifip IFIP WITFOR Focussed on areas / topics: Agriculture Building the infrastructure Economic opportunity Education 24
ifip IFIP WITFOR Focussed on areas / topics: E-government Environment Health Social, ethical and legal aspects 25
ifip IFIP WITFOR Link with Summerschool themes Education (Use of) new technology Professionalism 26
ifip IFIP WITFOR Approach succesful because: Host country involved on highest government level Participation as intended mix of high level policy makers (up to ministers), researchers and practitioners Mix of stakeholders as presented earlier 27
ifip IFIP WITFOR Approach succesful because: Willingness to not only talk high level and UN declaration style but to also talk about implementation and practice 28
ifip Challenges: Follow up on policies and projects Adapt examples for own situation Finding partners Lack of policies and / or regulation Lack of harmonization of policies / regulation 29
ifip But there is hope: Involvement in UNESCO and ITU events, incl WSIS follow up shows the same trend / direction as the WITFOR approach Increasing willingness to cooperate Need for public – private partnerships is clear 30
ifip Personal view / appeal Keep renewing and updating good intentions and commitments in the form of declarations and statements BUT ALSO MAKE SURE TO Transform these good intentions and commitments into practical, manageable implementations 31
ifip Personal view / appeal AND Keep learning from each other, from successes and from failures Don’t re-invent the wheel too often Don’t let prestige and single-sided interests prevail above effectiveness and common interests 32
ifip Thank you 33