Presented by: Gary Quiring CSIS Implementation Specialist Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team Data Management for Charter Schools 1
Data Management Topics Data management and charter schools CALPADS purpose, benefits, and timeline CALPADS security requirements CALPADS implementation Data management services provided by FCMAT/CSIS 2
Importance of Data Management All local education agencies (LEAs) are required to assign and maintain Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) Official reporting of enrollment, dropout, graduate and other data is now based upon CALPADS data Funding and public views on efficacy of your school are impacted by local data management practices 3
Importance of Data Management Data management practices impact the quality of local and CALPADS data CALPADS data is used in the AYP and API calculations CALPADS data feeds into the CDE DataQuest system and Ed-Data (Education Data Partnership) system Fiscal data also feeds into the Ed-Data system CALPADS data is being sought by researchers to evaluate program effectiveness and draw conclusions 5
Importance of Data Management Data management practices impact the public view of school data Reports on your charter are available to the public via DataQuest and Ed-Data News media use DataQuest and Ed-Data when researching and reporting education issues Parents use Ed-Data to identify quality schools for their children 6
Charter School Reporting Responsibilities There are two types of charter schools for CALPADS reporting Charters that report data independently from their authorizing agency Charters that report data through their authorizing agency 7
Charter School Reporting Responsibilities Charter schools may elect to report through their authorizing agency (LEA) or independently CALPADS Reporting method can be changed each May for the following reporting year Changing the charter school CALPADS reporting method is a charter school decision Decision should be made in consultation with the authorizing LEA 8
Charter School Reporting Responsibilities The decision should be based on local capacity to maintain and report student data Charter school reporting method is the same for CALPADS and OPUS-CBEDS See CDE’s CALPADS Website: 9
Charter School Reporting Responsibilities Not meeting CALPADS reporting requirements may result in zero enrollment counts Zero enrollment counts will result in a loss of any funding based on official enrollment All students must be exited correctly in CALPADS when a school closes 10
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Purpose, Benefits, and Timeline 11
CALPADS Purpose Provide local education agencies (LEAs) and CDE access to data necessary to comply with NCLB reporting requirements Provide a better means of evaluating educational progress and investments over time Provide LEAs information that can be used to improve pupil achievement Provide an efficient, flexible, and secure means of maintaining longitudinal statewide pupil level data 12
CALPADS Benefits Uniform statewide data collection and maintenance process Immediate access to information on new students entered by LEAs where students were previously enrolled Visibility to data to support school performance improvement 13
14 CALPADS Benefits Download of data from CALPADS to conduct analyses using local tools Print and download reports Filter report data based on user-selected filters (e.g. district, school site, grade level, demographics, program participation) View summary and detail reports (e.g. Student Demographic, Program Participation, Enrollment History, Enrollment Exit History, Assessment History) View Assessment test results (e.g. CAHSEE, CELDT)
15 CALPADS Benefits Provides CDE program staff the ability to access and extract data for state and federal reporting and analysis Provides authorized CDE staff the ability to create ad hoc reports Provides the ability to maintain at least 20 years of data in a production environment Is designed to enable expanded capabilities over time
Snapshot Collection Windows Fall 1 Annual Enrollment Graduates and Dropouts Enrollment Subgroups Fall 2 Course Enrollment Certificated Staff Assignments English Learner (EL) Services Spring 1 English Language Acquisition Status Title III Eligible Immigrants End of Year 1 Course Completion Career Technical Education (CTE) End of Year 2 Program Participation End of Year 3 Discipline and Truancy End of Year 4 Waivers CALPADS Collections Timeline Which Data are Expected? 16
17 CALPADS Collections Timeline Snapshots Certification & Amendment Calendar CALPADS Submission Census Day Snapshot Collection Window Certification DeadlineAmendment Window Fall 1October 6October 6 – December 16December 16December 17 - January 20 Fall 2October 6December 6 – February 24February 24February 25 – March 25 Spring 1March 1March 1 - March 25March 25March 26 - April 22 EOY 1noneJune (exact date TBD)Sept. (exact date TBD)TBD EOY 2noneJune (exact date TBD)Sept. (exact date TBD)TBD EOY 3noneJune (exact date TBD)Sept. (exact date TBD)TBD EOY 4noneJune (exact date TBD)Sept. (exact date TBD)TBD
CALPADS Security Requirements 18
CALPADS Security If your charter school is independently reporting to CALPADS, your charter school LEA CALPADS Administrator is responsible for the assignment of CALPADS accounts for charter school staff If you report CALPADS data through your authorizing agency, you should coordinate with your authorizing agency to establish: Charter school staff accounts in CALPADS User roles and access levels for your charter’s data 19
CALPADS Security Independently reporting charter school administrators need to complete and send in an LEA CALPADS Administrator application form to the CALPADS Operations Office Once the application is approved, the named LEA CALPADS Administrator will be provided access (username and password) to the CALPADS system The LEA CALPADS Administrator is responsible for creating and assigning CALPADS accounts for charter staff 20
CALPADS Security Important to establish local business practices that limit access to CALPADS data, and prevent unauthorized access to CALPADS data Charter school administrators are accountable for all staff that access CALPADS data The LEA CALPADS Administrator account is NOT for daily use The LEA CALPADS Administrator MUST create an LEA account for daily use 21
CALPADS Security The LEA CALPADS Administrator creates and maintains CALPADS accounts for staff users. This includes password resets and account revocation. The account controls access to data based on the following: User Security Level - determines the level of data that the user can see in CALPADS School LEA User Roles - give the users access to specific data and functions in CALPADS 22
CALPADS Security Charter Management Organizations sometimes administer and report data for more than one charter school The CALPADS Operations Office can create a multiple charter school account for a single user, upon approval by individual charter school administrators 23
Staff training is required when the following occurs: Change of status to Independently Reporting Staff turnover Change of Student Information System Batch File Submissions for Independently Reporting charters: Reporting LEA field must contain the School code School of Attendance must contain the School code Lessons Learned 24
Some Student Information Systems are not completely CALPADS compatible CALPADS Batch File Templates are best way to fix this issue Login, then click on the Help menu Lessons Learned 25
LEA Admin Account cannot be used for: Anomaly Contact Submission or access to NSLP data Data Certification (Level 1 and Level 2) Daily Use These roles must be assigned to a different user account Plan ahead for certification deadlines CALPADS Calendar: Lessons Learned 26
CALPADS Implementation 27
Leadership for Data Management Know the requirements, rules, and deadlines and work to meet them CALPADS File Specifications, Code Sets, Data Guide, & Enrollment Procedures: Provide staff sufficient time to get the work done Allocate resources for staff training and SIS maintenance 28
Leadership for Data Management Monitor implementation Help resolve problems Encourage collaboration, both internal and external Before certifying data, have appropriate staff review certification reports Program Directors Food Services Human Resources 29
Leadership for Data Management Utilize the CDE/CSIS certification reports: Superintendent’s Data Inconsistency Alert Summary Report Superintendent’s Data Inconsistency Alert Detail Report Data Inconsistency Alert Guide 30
CALPADS Training WebEx and Online Self-Paced Trainings: Essential 1: Overview of Objectives and Requirements Essential 2: Features, Code Mapping, and User Access Essential 3: SSID Requests, Enrollment, and Maintenance Essential 4: SSID Anomalies 31
CALPADS Training WebEx and Online Self-Paced Trainings: Fall 1: Reporting and Certification Fall 1 Advanced: Reporting and Certification Fall 2: Data Population Fall 2: Reporting and Certification Regional Trainings at County Offices of Education Training Fall 2 – Two hour regional training 32
Requirements References Review CALPADS Documentation: File Specifications Code Sets Extract Specifications SSID and Enrollment Procedures Data Guide Valid Code Combinations Error List Technical Update Located at:
Requirements References Online CALPADS Documentation (Login and click on the Help menu): User Manual LEA Operations Manual Quick Start Guide Batch File Templates Instructions and Tips 34
35 A two-part question will be required to collect race and ethnicity information from students and staff There is no category for “Unknown” or “Decline to State” Requirements apply ONLY to and later student enrollments and staff hires Frequently asked questions posted at: Other resources posted on CSIS website: Sample student and staff forms NCES document Federal Requirements for Race and Ethnicity
Data Auditing Procedures Elements of a Data Audit: Analysis of findings Error determination or exception Error replication Sources of errors and sources of correct data Notify appropriate staff of errors detected and how they will be corrected Correction of problems Determine if improvements to local processes are needed 36
Best Practices for Data Quality Establish Standards Evaluate Local and State Requirements Correlate State Codes Identify System of Record Implement Standards and Expectations Document Standards Conduct Training Provide Support Designate Data Stewards 37
CSIS CALPADS Support Tools Found in the CALPADS menu under CALPADS Documents on the CSIS homepage ( 38
CSIS CALPADS Support Tools CFS Aligned Gap Analysis Tool CFS Gap Analysis and Planning Tool Preparing to Submit Elementary Course Data Preparing to Submit Scheduled Course Data 39
Data Reporting Responsibilities and Collaboration Coordinate with your district if you report with them Create or expand your Data Management Team Define clear roles and responsibilities with respect to CALPADS Encourage communication and collaboration 40
Local Staff Training CSIS CALPADS Trainings 2-4 are “train the trainer” based Online Self-Paced trainings allow focus on selected topics Establish local policies for CALPADS enrollment updates and anomaly resolution Train staff on CALPADS and local policies Train staff on new CALPADS functionality in local SIS 41
FCMAT/CSIS Data Management Services 42
FCMAT/CSIS Data Management Services Academic Records Transfer (ART) Address Validation (AV) Eligibility in Local Context (ELC) Data Management Coordinator Training Onsite Technical Assistance (fee based) 43
Academic Records Transfer Service for sending student records from secondary to postsecondary institutions Visit for more information and to register for traininghttp:// 44
Address Validation Free FCMAT/CSIS service to correct student addresses or notify the LEA of addresses that need to be corrected Corrected addresses improve communication to parents If sent to CALPADS, corrected addresses can increase matching for Direct Certification Address validation is not currently part of CALPADS Visit for more information and to register for traininghttp:// 45
Eligibility in Local Context Free service to automate the task of transmitting the top 12.5% of 11 th grade student records to the University of California – Office of the President (UCOP) Top 4% of students in each California high school class will be designated UC-eligible Visit for more information and to register for traininghttp:// 46
Data Management Coordinator Training Free training for staff who are new to education and/or new to Data Management. The class is in two parts: Part 1 focuses on key data management concepts, data constituencies and ways to build organizational leadership and support for data management Part 2 focuses on factors affecting data quality, data security, data use and reporting considerations. Visit registration/default.asp for more information and to register for traininghttp:// registration/default.asp 47
FCMAT Onsite Technical Assistance Fee-based service Interested LEAs can obtain individual assistance in: Local data management practices CALPADS implementation 48
Contact Information CALPADS Support CSIS Support (ART, AV, & ELC) Gary Quiring
CALPADS Resources CDE CALPADS: CALPADS File Specifications, Code Sets, Data Guide, & Enrollment Procedures: Sign up for CALPADS listserv: CSIS CALPADS: 50
CALPADS Resources Charter School CALPADS and CBEDS-OPUS Data Reporting Policy: CALPADS Training Registration page: CALPADS Self-Paced Training: training/CALPADS/sp-training.asphttp:// training/CALPADS/sp-training.asp 51
CALPADS Resources DataQuest Ed-Data CALPADS File Upload Templates Login, then click on the Help menu CALPADS User Manual Login, then click on the ? menu 52
CALPADS Resources CALPADS Update FLASH CALPADS Known Issues updates Education Data Newsletter 53